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  • Hunted [Bound & Cuffed 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 6

Hunted [Bound & Cuffed 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Read online

Page 6

  “I don’t fuck,” Janie finally said, grimacing over the last word. “At least, not casually.”

  She didn’t explain further, but she didn’t have to. Brick knew exactly what she was saying, and that was just fine with him. Not that he wasted the words on assuring her of that. Words, after all, were hollow. It was actions that counted. That was a comfort he offered her, reaching out to take her hand to give it a quick squeeze before moving her hand to his leg and covering it with his own.

  Beside him in the passenger seat, Janie smiled slightly and returned his gesture with a gentle squeeze of his thigh that sent a thrill racing through Brick. Right then and there, he swore to go easy on her. That might be a challenge, but one he swore to conquer.

  The silence in the car thickened with a sweetness that just felt right. That was what Janie felt like—right. Brick didn’t want to let go of that feeling, but the drive back to Tex’s house wasn’t that long. Unfortunately, they made it within ten minutes. The whole way Tex was tailing him, mere inches from Brick’s bumper. That was just how he parked, blocking Brick in and reaching Janie’s door before Brick had even gotten out of the car.

  He caught up with them, though, not about to let Tex rush Janie into anything. There would be time enough for everything, even if they didn’t get to it tonight. Brick made that perfectly clear with the look he shot over Janie’s head at his cousin. He just hoped Tex got it.

  Brick had his doubts, but he needn’t have worried. Janie was in command. Almost the second she stepped into the main room behind Tex, she turned on both him and Brick to offer them an apologetic smile, along with a blatant lie.

  “Well…I’m tired. I think I’ll just go to bed.”

  With that, she turned and fled like a rabbit running from a pack of dogs. Tex certainly looked as if he were about to start foaming at the mouth and give chase. Brick held him back. Latching a hand on his cousin’s arm, he waited until the door shut behind Janie, and then he turned to have an actual word with Tex.

  “You’re not fucking her tonight.”

  “What?” Tex gaped at him. “But—”

  “I’ll hurt you if I have to,” Brick stated simply and with an honesty that had Tex sulking backward.

  “Fine,” Tex grumped. “But I’m not sleeping on the couch again.”

  Brick rolled his eyes on that belligerent declaration and turned to follow after Janie. He wasn’t planning on sleeping on the couch either. Neither did he plan on going home. Brick wanted to curl up next to Janie, hold her tight, and relish the feeling she inspired in him. First, though, he planned on showing her how beautiful she was to him.

  With that thought in mind, Brick barged right into the bedroom without bothering to knock. He caught Janie totally unaware and half-undressed. Stripped down to nothing but her bra and panties, she turned around with a startled shriek that ended with Brick stepping up and capturing her mouth in a passionate kiss that left no doubt of how much he really wanted her.

  Just like she had on the dance floor, Janie melted into his embrace, her lips going soft and her tongue whipping out to mate with his. He could have easily pressed for more, but Brick didn’t. Instead, he simply held her and kissed her, savoring the sweetness of her taste and the amazing feel of her body pressing up against his. It was heaven, which only made it all the harder to hold back.

  Soon enough it became impossible.

  His hands lifted from her waist to slide up the smooth, graceful curve of her back. Brick could feel her shiver beneath his touch and knew that she liked the feel of his skin on her as much as he did. Stroking her over and over again, until the gentle shivering turned into a full quiver, he expertly slid his fingers beneath the clasp of her bra and snapped it free.

  That had Janie stilling. Then she pulled free of his kiss, her gaze lifting to capture his with the want and trust shining in them. It made Brick’s heart ache. Janie was so precious, so beautiful, and his. Brick didn’t bother to fight that conviction as it filled him with both joy and a deep-rooted sense of possessiveness.

  That feeling flared higher as Janie stepped slowly back, allowing her bra to slip down to the floor and her breasts to fall free. Janie just stood there, bravely allowing him to take in the sight of her nakedness. Brick didn’t shy away from looking, but took his time, allowing the appreciation to show in his face.


  It was more like adoration because that’s what he felt in that moment. Janie’s full, rounded globes were topped with rose-colored nipples that hardened beneath his stare. Those puckered tips called to him, mesmerized him, leaving Brick caught off guard as Tex stepped up. Instantly Janie stiffened, her hands lifting to cover her breast. Just as quickly Tex stepped up to catch her wrists.

  “Don’t.” He shook his head at her. “You’re beautiful.”

  Janie hesitated, appearing unconvinced before nodding. She bit down on her lower lip with flash of white teeth and tensed, but her hands fell back to her sides as Tex released them. Brick knew how hard it was for her stay like that as Tex looked his fill, but he gave them both the moment.

  * * * *

  Janie’s heart was racing, making her all but pant. She was intensely aware of her breasts bouncing with each breath and could only think that this must be how every heroine in every romance novel she ever read had felt. Now it was her turn. How could she do anything but take it?

  So she stood there, feeling her nipples harden beneath the cold brush of the air. They tightened further as Tex stepped slowly around her.

  A flush of fear and anticipation filled her as the heady heat of his body began to warm her from behind. The combination was intoxicating. Her breath caught, her heart stilling as his hands settled on her waist.

  Big, broad and warm, Tex’s palms left a searing path as they slid up her sides to cup her breasts and lift them high in an offering for Brick. Deeply aware of each callused finger curled around the softness of her flesh, Janie had never felt so fragile or wanted as Brick sank down to his knees.

  Like warm velvet, his lips brushed over her skin in a teasing caress that had Janie moaning and arching forward in a blind need for more. Tex’s hands tightened around her, holding her still as Brick took his time, slowly rubbing his cheek against the rounded curve of her breasts. His lips tickled over her puckered nipple in a there-then-gone touch that had her toes curling into the thick pad of carpet beneath her feet.

  This was what she dreamed of all of her life, to be adored like this, to feel so special. Janie’s heart beat hard and loud as she savored every second of Brick’s teasing exploration. By the time his lips returned to place soft kisses against the pebbled tips of her breasts, Janie was already lost to the beauty and the pleasure he bestowed on her. She doubted that the moment could grow any sweeter, but she was wrong.

  As Brick captured her tender tit between his lips and sucked it past the hard ridge of his teeth, a bolt of wild pleasure shot through her, igniting almost every nerve ending and making her cry out. Nothing had ever felt like this before. In her heart, she knew that nothing ever would. This was special.

  They were special.

  That thought should have terrified her, but Janie was too lost in the moment to care. All that mattered right then was the feel of Brick’s tongue swirling around her nipple, its nimble length making the world twirl before her until she felt lightheaded. Janie’s breath caught as he abandoned her nipple, licking, kissing, and sucking his way to her other puckered peak. Then the world was spinning in the opposite direction as her breath came out of her in husky pants tinged with moans of pleasure.

  Janie could have lived in that moment forever, but it lasted only minutes. The next one bloomed even sweeter as Brick’s lips slid downward, leaving a quivering trail of anticipation as he kissed his way across her stomach. Tex’s hands followed, his fingers brushing against the elastic waistband of her panties and pushing them slowly downward.

  Brick reared back on his knees, his gaze coming to capture hers for a long, steamy se
cond before it dropped back down to stare hungrily at her mound as Tex slid her panties down over her hips. The scrap of cotton fell to the floor, leaving her naked before both men, but Janie wasn’t embarrassed. She wasn’t even self-conscious.

  How could she be when Brick was looking at her as if she was a goddess with a longing darkening his gaze as Tex slid a hand around her thigh and lifted her leg, opening up her intimate flesh to Brick’s hungry appraisal. He took his time looking his fill, his big, blunt fingers coming up to spread her molten folds wide and expose her sensitive flesh to the cool brush of the air.

  Then he leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on her clit, making Janie squeal and giggle. It was then that she realized how nervous she actually was. No man had ever inspected her with such intensity before. For the first time, she couldn’t help but fear that she might be a disappointment. That worry, though, dissolved beneath the lap of Brick’s tongue as, with a groan, he gave in to whatever need drove him and began to devour her with a ferociousness that stole the very thoughts from Janie’s head.

  All she could do was feel, and everything felt glorious. Bolts of pure, white-hot rapture tore through her as Tex’s free hand lifted to capture her breast. His thumb settled over her nipple, turning the sensitive bud in a rhythm that Brick matched with his tongue as he trapped her clit beneath it. Together they made the world spin around her with such delight that Janie lost all sense of reality.

  Everything faded away beneath the blossom of an ecstasy so poignant and frothy it lifted her right off the floor. She was floating through a sea of wonder that whirled faster and faster until she exploded with a climax so piercing it left her crying tears of raw joy.

  Then she was collapsing back into Tex’s arms, unconcerned and uncertain of what came next as he lifted her off her feet and carried her over to the bed. With a tenderness she’d never thought him capable of, he settled her down among the sheets and stepped back. Janie watched through watering eyes as he began to slowly strip out of his clothes.

  He was a feast for her senses, all hard and rippling with muscles that made her hands itch to touch, but her release had hit her too hard, and her limbs felt too heavy to lift. So she lay there and simply watched, her breath shortening as the anticipation began to thicken in her veins once again. The anticipation and worries.

  Janie didn’t know if she was ready for this. As much as she wanted Tex and Brick, a part of her feared that she’d never be able to satisfy them. Never be able to fulfill their dreams. Not the way they did hers. When Tex’s hand hesitated on the waistband of his boxers, she feared that she wasn’t the only one with doubts.

  His gaze, though, wasn’t centered on her. She turned her head to find Brick giving Tex a hard look. He’d stripped down to his boxers, too, but instead of pulling them off, Brick simply slid into bed. His thick arms came to wrap around Janie and snuggle her back into his heat. She could feel the heavy ridge of his erection but knew, in that moment, he didn’t plan to put it to use.

  For some strange reason that made her feel all the more special as her gaze cut back to Tex, whose hands had fallen from the edge of his boxers. There was no disguising the thickness of his cock as it pressed out against the cotton, held back by two buttons that could be so easily snapped free. A part of Janie wanted to reach out and undo them, to release him in a silent assurance that this was what she wanted, but she held back, savoring the moment as Tex joined her and Brick in the bed.

  Tex offered her a small smile that held a depth of emotion Janie hadn’t thought him capable of. Neither had she considered that he could care enough to treat her so gently as he brushed her hair back from her face. He leaned forward to press a chaste kiss upon her lips and then offered her an endearment that touched her heart.

  “Sweet dreams, beautiful.”

  Chapter Six

  Brick woke up instantly at the first sound of his cell phone buzzing on the floor. It had fallen out of his pants pocket, and he stared at it, hesitating to answer it. Silently, Brick debated whether to bother at all. He didn’t want to, didn’t want to move, but wished he could stay there snuggled into the bed with Janie in his arms. She was so small, so delicate and fit so perfectly against him that Brick could have lived and died in that moment a contented man.

  The phone, though, wouldn’t stop buzzing, and he didn’t want to risk waking Janie up. Carefully easing himself away from the warm comfort of her body, he slid out of bed and snatched the cell up, waiting to answer it until he’d crossed the bedroom and made it out into the hall. Only then did he hit the accept button flashing on the screen and lift the small device up to his ear, already knowing it was bad news.

  “We got a problem,” Big Bob said by way of greeting. “Have you seen Tex’s front door?”

  Brick didn’t answer but shuffled down the hall toward the door in question. He didn’t have to do more than open it up to figure out what Big Bob was talking about. Somebody had spray painted the door, spelling out the word slut across the wood. That wasn’t all. The porch had been completely graffitied with all sorts of mean-spirited words that were all clearly aimed at Janie.

  Brick had only one question for Big Bob. “Ken?”

  “Nope. Logan and Bruce spent all night watching him.”

  “Why weren’t they watching the house?” That was their job, and if they’d done it, then they’d know who to hurt for this. Brick really wanted to know that.

  “Because they figured you and Tex had things covered…so what happened to you? Were you busy?” The irritation couldn’t be denied in the way Big Bob emphasized that word. Not that the big man ever bothered to beat about any bush. “Because you know that Janie is a client, and it’s a really bad idea to sleep with clients.”

  Brick did know, but Janie wasn’t just any client. “And what about falling in love with one? Is that a bad idea too?”

  “Even worse.” Big Bob hesitated before dropping his tone and issuing a warning Brick knew meant he’d won this argument. “And you better mean that because Janie is a good girl. I don’t want to see her get hurt by anybody. Got me?”

  Clear as a bell, but Brick didn’t waste his breath on assurance he knew wouldn’t appease Big Bob. “Then we better get this shit cleaned up before Janie gets out of bed.”

  Otherwise, she was going to be more than hurt. She’d be scared. Brick wouldn’t stand for that, and he wasn’t alone. Tex came padding down the hall wearing nothing but a pair of undone jeans and looking more than a little grumpy as he came to a stop. He stared at the door before heaving a heavy sigh.

  “Let me guess, Logan and Bruce fell asleep and didn’t catch the little pig while he was painting.”

  “Actually, they were sitting on the little pig,” Brick corrected his cousin, drawing a surprised look from Tex that quickly hardened into a frown.

  “The little pig didn’t do this?”


  “Well fuck. We’ve got a problem.”


  That left them with nothing else to say. They both stood there staring at the door for several long seconds before Tex finally smacked Brick on the back and broke the brooding silence that had grown in the air.

  “You’ve got a lot of work to do…so better get on it.”

  That had Brick narrowing his gaze on Tex, not that his cousin took any note of the dirty look Brick shot him. Tex was too busy turning around and heading back toward the bedroom. He’d have asked what Tex planned on doing, but the answer seemed obvious. Tex was going to keep Janie busy, and Brick could imagine how.

  He’d object, but there would be no point. Tex would do what he wanted. If Janie objected, then Brick would step in. Until then, he had a porch to clean.

  * * * *

  Tex felt like whistling, but he didn’t want to wake Janie. At least, not until he had her just the way he wanted her. So, he kept his building glee to himself as he collected all the materials he needed. It took two trips, and he paused between them to use the ties he collected to strap J
anie down to the bed.

  He half expected her to wake up as he spread her out across the mattress, but Janie slept like a well-fed kitten, barely even grumbling as he pulled her legs wide. The dark tuff of curls hiding the sweet flesh he wanted to taste drew his gaze and his frown. They had to go. Tex liked his pussies bare.

  Heading into the bathroom, he collected everything he needed. An electric razor worked better than a standard one. Scissors were a must, along with extra lotion. Then he was ready. Whether Janie was didn’t even occur to Tex. After all, she was his, and he’d have her how he wanted her.

  With that determination guiding his every step, he returned to the bed to find Janie snoring lightly and couldn’t help but smile. She was so sweet, so delicate and feminine. Even the soft noises coming from her parted lips held the hint of innocence that he knew went soul deep. That was where Janie’s true beauty shone, what had captured him so completely.

  Tex knew right then and there that he could bind her in any position he wanted, but he was the true captive. That should have frightened him. It probably would have with any other woman, but he trusted Janie, trusted her with his heart, and that wasn’t something he’d ever given any woman before.

  It seemed only fair that Janie give him something in return, even if he had to take it from her. Tex didn’t think for a moment she’d really object. After all, he knew how to please a woman in every way and planned on bringing those skills to play as he enslaved Janie to the passion and pleasure only he would ever be able to show her…he and Brick, but they’d get there later.

  Right then it was his turn to have fun with their woman. Tex took that opportunity very seriously. He also took his role as barber with just as much intensity. Settling down between Janie’s spread thighs, Tex went to work revealing the soft, pink flesh of Janie’s intimate folds.

  It wasn’t long before she began to murmur and rouse, smacking her lips and glancing around before it seemed to dawn on her that she was tied down. Tex ignored Janie’s mutters as she began to pull on her limbs and grump to herself, but when she finally pinned a narrowed gaze on him, Tex paused to shoot a smile back up at her.