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  • Hunted [Bound & Cuffed 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 5

Hunted [Bound & Cuffed 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Read online

Page 5

  Janie fought that battle as he escorted her to his truck. Like a gentleman, he actually opened the door for her and stepped back, allowing her to slide into the seat and tuck her skirt around her legs before he closed it on her. Then he jogged around the front of the large truck, and even through the glass, Janie could hear him whistling.

  For some strange reason, Tex’s good cheer made her only more miserable. She stewed in her seat as he hopped into the SUV and started the massive vehicle up. He pulled it away from the curb without offering Janie any hint of where they were headed. While she, at first, assumed it was back to his house, it soon became clear that was not Tex’s destination.

  By then her silence had become pointed, making it almost impossible for her to ask where they were going. Janie battled herself, her pride going head-to-head with her curiosity. All the while Tex sat there smiling, all but gloating. She knew he knew about her inner turmoil, and that only added fuel to the fire burning inside of her until finally she snapped.

  “I’d like to go home and shower.” And change into a new, less clingy outfit, but Janie didn’t add that on, pleased enough that she’d managed to find a way out of the corner Tex had seemingly put her into.

  “We need to be seen out and about,” Tex countered with a casualness that belied the smug curl of his lips.

  “We already have been,” Janie insisted, irritated anew at the way he dismissed her request. “It’s been a long day. I’d like to take a nap.”

  “No time.” Tex shook his head. “We have a date to enjoy first.”

  “A date?”

  “Yeah, you know, dinner, making out in the park, giggling over ice cream…a date.”

  “I don’t giggle over ice cream,” Janie informed him stiffly. “And I certainly don’t make out in the park.”

  “No, you just do it while parked behind the library,” Tex shot back, making the heat flush her cheeks instantly.

  “How did you know about that?” Janie demanded to know, horrified by the possibilities. “Did Brick tell you?”

  “No. I saw it with my own eyes.” Tex paused for a moment before adding on, to her blushing embarrassment, “Just like both of my cousins did. After all, we’re assigned to watch you. That’s what we were doing when you put on your little show.”

  “I didn’t put on a show,” Janie snapped, flustered by his comments. “If you saw everything, then you saw that your cousin kissed me!”

  “And you slobbered all over him.”

  “I did not!”

  “Sucked his tongue, didn’t you?” Tex shot her a curious look. “And here I thought that was your special move for me.”

  “Oh, shut up!” Janie huffed deeper into her seat.

  “There is no need to be offended,” Tex assured her. “I get it. You like us both.”

  Janie’s eyes widened at that egotistical summation as she straightened back up to glare at him. “I do not like you!”

  “But you did like sucking my tongue.”

  That she had but Janie would be damned before she admitted. “And pigs like to fly.”

  “I’m also really good with my tongue.” Tex shot her a quick smirk as he eased the SUV into the local bowling alley’s parking lot. “I’m good with my balls, too. So, come on, and I’ll show you.”

  Janie smoldered at that poor excuse for a joke but stubbornly refused to engage in any more of his nonsense. That didn’t mean she could avoid what came next. Tex parked and hopped out of the SUV, jogging back around the hood to open her door and wait patiently. He had more patience than her.

  After several long, tense seconds, Janie finally gave in with an aggrieved sigh as she shoved out of the SUV. At least, now she would have the opportunity to humiliate Tex. Janie was that confident she was that good at bowling. She even belonged to the church’s league.

  It didn’t take more than a half-hour for her to realize that Tex had bowled more than a few games himself. He was that good. Janie still won four out of six rounds, but it took all her concentration. That left her no time to continue fuming at him. Just the opposite. While it probably would have killed her to admit it, Janie actually had fun.

  Not that she had to admit to anything. The evidence was there by the time Tex called an end to their competition. Janie was actually laughing, and Tex was grinning as he took her hand and led her back out into the waning sunlight. They headed over to a local dive bar that Janie would never normally consider going into, but she soon discovered they made the best burgers.

  Dinner was followed by line dancing, and Janie had to admit that Tex could move, which was more than a little sexy. Janie stopped those thoughts before they could go anywhere, or she tried. They lingered, though, growing stronger as the night wore on and Tex continued to do his best to charm her. She’d have to be dead not to be affected by the way he kept his focus solely on her, despite the number of women who made it their business to stop by their table and offer him flirtatious come-ons.

  While he turned them all down without a second’s hesitation, Janie knew he had taken some of them up on their offers before. That observation bugged her more than she would have cared for. After all, they weren’t really a couple. They were just playing one. That was a fact that Janie had to remind herself of over and over again. It became harder as the night wore on, especially when Tex took her hand and led her out onto the dance floor for a slow song.

  He wrapped his arms tightly around her and pressed in close, allowing her to feel the hard bulge of his erection. Thick and large, it ground into her stomach, heating Janie’s blood and making her melt deeper into the secure comfort of his embrace. For a moment fantasy became reality, as she felt all but loved in that second. She was too tired of fighting herself to remember that it was just a lie.

  Instead, she moved to the sensual rhythm Tex set as he swayed across the floor. Their bodies moved as one in a slow sweep that ended all too soon as the music picked up with a fast beat that had them both reluctantly pulling back. Tex didn’t let her go, though. His hands abandoned her waist, leaving their searing imprint on her skin as he lifted his rough, callused fingertips to trace the curve of her jaw.

  His touch felt like the sweetest of caresses, matching the tender look of desire that filled his dark gaze. Then he was kissing her right there in the middle of the dance floor as if he intended to strip her down and make love to her in front of everybody. That idea should have terrified her, but instead, it heated the longing burning inside her to a fevered pitch.

  Despite all common sense, Janie found herself kissing him back with a passion that left her breathless by the time Tex pulled back. By then his gaze had almost darkened to black with a hunger that sent a sizzle of excitement rushing up Janie’s spine. She half expected him to kiss her again and couldn’t deny her disappointment when, instead, he took her hand and led her off the dance floor.

  Janie stumbled after him, feeling trapped in a sensual trance that shattered as her gaze lit on Brick. He’d taken a seat at their table and had clearly witnessed everything. That thought was both horrifying and embarrassing. Suddenly, everything felt too real, too complicated, and all Janie wanted to do was flee.

  There was no escape, however. For his part, Brick didn’t look the least bit upset. It was hard, though, to tell just what he was feeling in that moment. His expression, as usual, was stoic and nearly blank, but there was no denying the heat in his gaze or the firmness of his grip as he shoved off his stool and came around the table to take her hand from Tex’s.

  Then Brick led her back out onto the dance floor and swept her up into a fast-paced two-step that left Janie breathless once again. He didn’t stop with one dance, proving himself to be every bit as good on his feet as Tex. He was just as hard Janie soon discovered as the tempo slowed back down and Brick pulled her into a close embrace.

  Her eyes widened at the feel of him through his jeans. The thick length of Brick’s erection felt rock-hard and big enough to make her eyes widen as she glanced up at him in startled shock.
He greeted her look with a smile that held more than a promise of pleasure. It was a vow of adoration that had her heart skipping a beat.

  Then he stole the very breath from Janie’s lungs as he dipped his head and captured her lips in a kiss meant to melt bone and muscle. She slumped against him, feeling weightless as his arms tightened around her and hers slid up around his shoulders. She clutched at his broad strength, clinging to him as his tongue slid in to stroke over hers and tease Janie into responding.

  The distant blare of music and the loud hum of conversation faded away along with the rest of the dancers swaying across the floor until there was only Brick and her, and then there was Tex. He closed in behind her, joining their embrace and trapping Janie between the hard heat of their bodies. It warmed her through, along with the intoxicating scent of filling her head with a fizzy pleasure that didn’t leave room for doubt, much less outrage, as Tex’s hands joined Brick’s on her hips.

  They took total control of her in that moment, and Janie gave herself over to them and the delicious anticipation beginning to fill her veins as she felt the hard ridge of Tex’s erection pressing up against her ass. He ground himself into her lush globes, even as Brick pressed his thick length into her stomach. There was no denying what they wanted, or how they wanted it.

  God help her, Janie wanted it, too.

  That shocking revelation cut through her as reality crashed in around her. Suddenly the music was loud again, the voices of the other patrons whirling around her like a condemnation that had Janie jerking back. Tex stumbled away, releasing her as Brick blinked and frowned, but before he could say a word, Janie was running.

  Running away.

  Chapter Five

  Tex watched Janie scurry off the dance floor like a scared rabbit, drawing more attention to herself than when she’d been tucked safely between him and Brick. After all, the people here knew them well enough not to be shocked by the sight of both cousins making a move on the same woman. They weren’t, however, used to seeing Tex and Brick denied. Tex could already feel the snickers being aimed their way.

  “Well.” Tex glanced back over at Brick, who was scowling after Janie. “So much for your plan.”

  Actually, Tex hadn’t really objected to Brick’s plan. After all, it wasn’t against his nature to share his women with his cousins. It stood to reason that if Ken would get upset at Janie taking up with one man, he’d get twice as pissed by her taking up with two. That should make damn sure the little fucker did something worthy of hauling his ass into jail.

  The only problem with Brick’s plan was Janie. She wasn’t exactly the type of woman that normally agreed to be shared, but then he could be wrong. Tex had seen the cover of the book she’d been clutching in her hand when he’d picked her up at the library. There had been two men on that cover.

  With his own swagger restored, Tex trailed Brick off the dance floor toward where Janie was quickly collecting her purse from their table. Then she raced off toward the bar’s front door, but the little woman wasn’t fast enough to escape either Brick or him. They easily caught up with her halfway to the door.

  Both men flanked her, corralling her and herding her back into the bar. Janie didn’t go without an objection. She dug her heels in and tried to push past Tex, but he was too big, and she didn’t even have half the strength she needed to pull off that move. That didn’t mean she gave up. Instead, she looked up at him with big, wide, scared eyes and resorted to a politeness that quivered with fear.

  “Would you please get out of my way?”

  Tex smirked at that and shook his head. “Sorry, honey, but that’s not the plan.”

  “And what is the plan?” Janie shot back, her ears flushing a bright red as tears gathered at the edge of her eyes. “To embarrass me? To leave me with the reputation of a wanton slut?”

  Tex could have laughed at the very idea of anybody mistaking proper and prudish Janie Scott as a slut, but he didn’t dare make a sound, too afraid that if he did one of those tears might fall and then he would be doomed. Tex didn’t handle crying women well and knew that Janie’s sobs would break his heart.

  That left him, though, uncertain of what to say or do. Thankfully, Brick was there in the clinch to help soothe Janie’s obviously ragged nerves. The big man didn’t have to say anything at all. He simply put an arm around her and pulled her in to a tight hug. Damn if that didn’t work.

  Janie held herself stiff for a moment, but within seconds, she was sighing and snuggling deeper into Brick’s embrace. Tex stood there awkwardly, watching as Brick rubbed Janie’s back and feeling left out. He wanted to be the one she turned to, and that realization left him reeling.

  Tex had never been the kind of man that ached to be there for a woman unless she was looking to get laid, but Janie was undoing him piece by piece. He didn’t know who he was turning into, but like always, he simply went with what felt right and stepped up behind Janie to once again cage her in a tight embrace. Reaching out to lift her head off of Brick’s chest with a single finger beneath her chin, Tex turned Janie’s wary gaze back toward him.

  “Nobody is going to think you’re a slut,” Tex assured her, the words flowing out of him without thought as he found the right ones to say. “They’re just going to think that we’re overcome because you are that beautiful, honey.”

  Janie blinked up at him, and Tex could see the doubt and hope mixing in her gaze. It sounded in her tone as she responded without heat but a good dose of disbelief.

  “You don’t really expect me to fall for that line, do you?”

  Tex smirked but caught himself before he could laugh. Still, the amusement sounded clearly in his tone as he shook his head at her. “Oh, honey, you’re going to learn that I don’t waste my time with lying.”

  Janie wasn’t convinced. That was clear in her frown, but she didn’t push him away, didn’t call him a liar once again. Instead, she let her uncertainty shine through, right along with her thoughts. She was so open and honest in that way.

  “Is this part of the plan?”

  “No, honey.” Tex rubbed his thumb out over the smooth, velvet of her cheek and smiled. “We’re making it all up as we go along now.”

  Janie swallowed and slowly nodded, accepting that and tempting Tex to kiss her again. That was an urge he couldn’t resist. Thankfully, Janie didn’t resist him. She stood stock-still as he brushed his lips over hers once, twice before settling down over the sweet, parted folds of her mouth and taking a long, slow taste.

  He wanted to go easy, wanted to show her just how much she really was starting to mean to him, but Janie’s fiery passions wouldn’t let him get away with such tenderness. Like a living flame, she flared hotter and higher, turning almost completely around as she wrapped her arms around his neck and began kissing him back with a pent-up need that had his dick hard and aching within seconds.

  Before he could lose it, Tex pulled back to gaze down at Janie in amazement. She tested the very limits of his control like no woman ever had before. Of course, he’d never been with a woman like Janie. She was sweet and innocent and tugged at his heartstrings with her big, brown eyes.

  A part of him wanted to wrap her up in cotton and tuck her safely away forever in a bubble where nothing bad could ever happen, but another, more feral, part of him wanted to strip her bare and devour every single womanly curve her body had to offer.

  That was better not done in public…not that Tex would mind doing it in public, but he felt pretty certain Janie would. With that in mind, he dropped his hand to capture hers and started dragging her back toward the door.

  The plan had changed again.

  * * * *

  Brick recognized the look in Tex’s eyes, knew what his cousin had in mind. What he didn’t know was whether or not Janie was really ready to take that step. If she weren’t, then Brick would be there to make sure Tex didn’t push her too far. That was the plan.

  That was what had Brick’s steps quickening as he followed Tex and Janie out the
door. Before his cousin could load Janie into his SUV, Brick snatched her hand and tugged her away, aiming her for his own car parked across the lot. Of course, Tex didn’t let go without a complaint.

  “Hey! That’s my girl,” he hollered out.

  Brick shot him a one-finger retort, knowing that if Tex decided to really object, Janie would bolt. Tex knew it, too. He tabled the battle Brick knew would still come later and allowed Brick to hustle Janie into his car. Brick slid in behind the wheel and shot her a quick smile.

  “Sorry, honey, but you looked in need of a rescue.”

  “And I’m sure that’s all that motivated you.” Janie snorted, causing Brick to laugh.

  He didn’t do that a lot, certainly not as much as he liked, but then Brick’s life wasn’t exactly full of mirth and amusements. It should be. After all, he deserved a treat…but not at the expense of Janie’s innocent happiness.

  “You got me,” Brick admitted. “I thought maybe we ought to have a talk.”

  “A talk? You?” Janie smirked. “I didn’t think you did much of that.”

  “I only say what needs to be said, honey, and this needs to be said.” Brick took a deep breath and forced himself to release it slowly, along with the blunt honesty he was known for. “Tex wants to fuck you. I want to fuck you. We want to fuck you together, and it’s going to be rough. If that’s not what you want, you better speak up now.”

  That bold admission wore the grin right off of Janie’s face as she turned her gaze back to the road and fell silent. Brick could almost hear her weighing her options, and felt certain he knew what answer she would come to. Janie was a good girl. She deserved more than either Tex or Brick could offer her. That didn’t change the way he felt in the slightest, and Brick couldn’t deny his heart was beating fast and his hands sweating as he waited for the inevitable.