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  • Tara's Revenge [Cattleman's Club 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 8

Tara's Revenge [Cattleman's Club 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Read online

Page 8

  “Yeah, right.” Glenda smirked, hesitating for a second before she leaned in a little closer. “If it makes you feel better, I don’t think you’re alone in being interested in more than a one-night affair. Bryant came in yesterday trying to weasel information out of me about you.”

  That had Tara perking up, a dreaded sense of hopefulness warming her through, even as she tried to crush it and sound anything but interested. “He did?”

  “Mmm-hmm, but don’t worry. I didn’t tell him anything.” Glenda settled back in her seat with a smile that assured Tara that she knew Tara wanted to ask more questions.

  She didn’t dare. Giving in to that kind of compulsion would only lead to trouble. Tara had already been down that road with Richard. Of course, Richard had been a liar, hiding his true appetites from her. Travis’s and Bryant’s were out front for her to see, and there wasn’t any disguising their interest. It wasn’t in her.

  Not at lunch at any rate.

  Dinner was a totally different experience. Tara figured that out as she finished up her work for the day and started to follow everybody out the building. She didn’t even make it halfway home before a set of blue lights was pulling her over to the side of the highway. It didn’t shock her any when Bryant stepped out of the cruiser and came sauntering up.

  “Evenin’, ma’am.” He greeted her like he didn’t know her or that he wasn’t wearing a grin the size of the state of Texas.

  “Evenin’, Deputy,” Tara responded with the same smirk in her tone as had been in his. “What seems to be the problem?”

  As if she didn’t know. Tara could see the problem. It looked to be about twelve inches and probably a good two-inches thick from the size of the bulge in his jeans. She couldn’t help but lick her lips, aching for another taste of that.

  “Not much, ma’am.” Bryant bent down, drawing her gaze from his obvious erection to the hungry look darkening his eyes. “Except you seem to be headed in the wrong direction. Isn’t that right, Travis?”


  Travis answered from the other side of the car, startling Tara, who hadn’t noticed his approach. He’d snuck up on her and had a good laugh along with Bryant as she shrieked and jerked around to find him grinning at her through her other window.

  “How you doing, sunshine?”

  Tara tossed him a frown for having scared her but didn’t dare make eye contact. She knew her weaknesses. More than that, she knew that she was already starting to crumble, to warm with heated thoughts and memories that she ached to make a reality once again.

  “Fine, Deputy. I’d ask you the same, but I think we both know the answer,” Tara finally responded before turning back to Bryant. “But as I explained to your friend yesterday, I’m not exactly looking for more than a little fun for a night.”

  “Well, that’s good.” Bryant grinned down at her. “Because one night is all we’re offering here. The question is, do you have the stamina for another few rounds?”

  Chapter 8

  Tuesday, June 24th

  Tara woke up the next morning in much the same position as she’d passed out the night before⎯draped over Travis with her hips locked in his grip and his deliciously hard cock pumping in and out of her weeping cunt. He felt so good, so thick and hot and with every stroke he ground over the sensitive walls of her sheath making Tara gasp and arch into his thrusts.

  This was heaven…and she couldn’t get enough.

  They’d gone almost all night, passing out and waking up and fucking until they passed back out again. There had been no dinner, no conversation, just an insatiable lust that bloomed hotter and higher with every touch. There was no touch that they didn’t dare to take. That included the rough thrust of fingers coating her back channel with thick lubricant that warned of what came next.

  Over the past few hours, Tara had grown accustomed to having her ass invaded. More than that, she’d started to savor and anticipate the sense of fullness that came whenever they pressed their favorite dildo deep into her. This time, though, it was no smoothly rounded plastic cockhead that came to rest against her back entrance but the thick, flared one that belonged to Bryant.

  He palmed her cheeks, spreading her ass wide as he pressed ever so slightly against the clenched ring of muscles that guarded her entrance. Then they were relaxing as she breathed deeply and sighed with the rush of pleasure that flooded through her as Travis’s thick knob ground up against the sweetest spot buried deep inside her body. Again and again he thumbed against that magical place, making Tara cry out as the tension winding through her tightened into an unbelievable release.

  Pure, molten rapture flooded into her veins, even as Bryant slid all the way in, stretching her ass wide and making the blooming clouds of ecstasy filling her condense into storms of perfect bliss. The pressure, the electric feel of two dicks grinding against her sensitive flesh, was all too much and not nearly enough.

  “Please!” she cried out, on fire with the burning flames licking straight up her spine and making her whole body buck. With each motion, a new inferno was lit until even just breathing had her body smoldering with a delight that was its own ravenous hunger. They’d only just begun. Bryant made that clear as he pulled the stray strands of hair sticking to her sweaty shoulders back to murmur in her ear.

  “Buckle up, sunshine. It’s about to be a bumpy ride.”

  Bumpy? What he meant was rough. Not that Tara minded. She loved every pounding thrust and thrilled at the way they fucked her back and forth. It was erotic. It was decadent. It set her whole world buzzing as their thick cocks ground against each other, stuffing her full and leaving her empty until her whole world was twisted around the rhythm their hips set.

  It was too much, and she exploded with a fiery scream that went hoarse as they fucked her even harder. Driving her with a relentless savagery from one release to another, they had her coming so hard that she blacked out once again. Collapsing onto Travis with a heaving, shuddering gasp, she distantly felt both men join her in the orgasmic pleasure of their releases before the whole world darkened around her.

  Tara didn’t know how long she slept, but she did know that, when she woke up, she was late for work. That prompted her to rush about, calling Glenda and faking car problems as she almost carried her cell right into the shower. She took the quickest shower ever and barely bothered to dry herself on the used towel hanging on the rack before she was rushing back into Travis’s bedroom to yank on her clothes from yesterday.

  She just hoped nobody at work noticed.

  Of course she didn’t have to worry about them, yet. Tara still had to get past Travis and Bryant, who had roused thanks to all the noise she’d been making. While Bryant swung his legs over the edge and sat there looking a little befuddled, Travis stretched back, letting his hard dick bob in the air as he watched her with undeniable interest.

  “I’m late,” Tara declared as yanked on her blouse and began buttoning it up without paying much attention to what she was doing. All she knew was she needed to get out of there. “So, it was fun. See you later.”

  With that, she picked up her purse and all but ran to the door, her heels clicking fast and loud against the hardwood floor. She drove fast but still arrived at work nearly two hours late and was in such a rush that she fell over her own feet as she tried to race up the stairs. Tara didn’t know why she was still running. Two hours or two hours and five minutes, she was so late it didn’t matter anymore, but that didn’t stop her from scraping herself off the stairs and flying up the rest of them.

  She came scurrying into the department, only to come to a cold stop as Glenda glanced up, her eyes widening at the sight of Tara. Then the other woman bent her head, her shoulders trembling as she clearly fought back a bolt of laughter. Tara didn’t doubt that she knew why the receptionist was biting back the giggles.

  “Do I really look that bad?” Tara asked, desperate to hear a no, even if she knew the answer was yes.

  She didn’t get either from Glenda, wh
o took a deep breath and raised her gaze once again, only to have to struggle to keep her grin from cracking into laughter. It took a moment to control the urge, but eventually she managed to get a few words out.

  “Your blouse is misbuttoned, and your skirt is on backward.”

  “What?” Tara gaped at her before glancing down to see that she’d really made a hash of dressing. “Oh crap. Excuse me.”

  She was late, and the first thing she was going to do was go to the bathroom. There she managed to straighten her clothes and even tame her hair into a tight bun. She still looked like she’d been roughed up, which she guessed she had been, but at least she beacon with a freshly ravished look.

  That was a small consolation as she headed back into the office. Glenda was still smiling and full of news Tara didn’t care to hear.

  “Oh, your uncle is looking for you,” she called out as Tara stepped back in through the main door. “He stopped by earlier and seemed concern because you didn’t return home last night…or show up for work this morning. You might want to give him a call before he calls the sheriff, if he hasn’t already.”

  * * * *

  Bryant listened to the front door slam closed and had to bite back a laugh as he stared down at the panties on the floor. Tara really was amusing. She was also sweet, soft, and the best fuck he’d ever had. God, but her ass had been tight.

  “Hey!” Travis slapped him on the back with a pillow. “Stop smiling like that or get off my bed.”

  Bryant shot Travis a smirk and got up. He ambled into the bathroom to take a quick shower. Then he got dressed in a set of running shorts and a T-shirt. A good breakfast after a long night of screwing was in order. Bryant headed toward the kitchen to get one started as he listened to Travis singing in the shower. His buddy was happy, and even Bryant couldn’t seem to wipe the grin from his face.

  It had been a good night. One of many yet to come…just not tonight. Tonight Bryant had to work. So did Travis, which was probably a good thing, given the way she’d flown out of there.

  Tara was clearly spooked and lacked the experience to hide it very well. That only added to her appeal. The appeal of bacon, on the other hand, needed no assistance. The smell alone had his stomach grumbling as crisped it up in the microwave. The eggs followed, having to be stirred every twenty seconds to make sure they cooked evenly.

  By then the coffee was done and Travis had appeared.

  “Something smells good.” Travis eyed the plate full of food Bryant had prepared himself. “You make extra?”

  “Nope.” Bryant shook his head and carried his plate safely away from Travis’s envious gaze. He settled down at the small island counter as he nodded toward the great black box they cooked just about everything in. “The microwave is all yours.”

  “Gee, thanks,” Travis grumbled, busying himself with making his own breakfast. He didn’t have the patience to stir the eggs though. Instead, he let them cook as he turned to rest a hip against the counter. “So, stage one went well. What’s stage two?”

  “Well, we’re going to give her the night off obviously,” Bryant started, his mind churning as he considered just how to con Tara back into their beds.

  “Obviously,” Travis burbled and turned to pull his eggs out of the microwave and join Bryant at the island counter. “Just as clear, we don’t want to have any kind of discussion about flings. She told me herself she considers them commitments.”

  That actually made some kind of twisted sense. At least, Bryant was sure it did to Tara. “Yeah, but I still think we should try something a little more romantic than simply pulling her over or asking her if she wants to go fuck some more.”

  “Why?” Travis frowned, his fork full of spongey eggs hovering right before his lips. “It worked well last night.”

  “Creativity is the spice of life or, at the very least, one-night stands,” Bryant declared, making it up as he went along.

  “Oh bullshit. You just want to romance the girl.”

  Bryant huffed, slightly insulted at that. “I do not.”

  “You got a thing for her.”

  “I’ve got a boner.” And a thing. Travis was right. He wasn’t exactly sure why, but just the thought of Tara had him smiling with a strange sense of giddiness.

  “And I think that’s all she’s interested in, buddy.” Travis reached over to pat Bryant obnoxiously on the shoulder. “Sorry.”

  “Whatever,” Bryant shot back, not half as amused as his best friend. “What’s your great idea, genius?”

  “We strip down, crawl into her bed, and wait for her to join us,” Travis stated simply enough, as if that wasn’t an insane suggestion.

  “I don’t think so.”

  “Why not?”

  Bryant couldn’t even believe that Travis had to ask that question. “Because I don’t want to get arrested!”

  “I broke into her house the last time, and she didn’t call the cops.” Travis wasn’t letting go. He was grumping and glaring, and Bryant remained unconvinced.

  “Yeah, but she threatened to, and unless you forgot, she’s the mayor’s kin.”

  They were already pushing their luck by fucking her. God knew what the mayor would do if he found out. After all, everybody on the force knew the jackass thought he was better than them. Bryant didn’t doubt that he’d take offense to the kind of things he and Travis had been doing to his niece.

  Not to mention the things he was planning on doing to her.

  Before that thought could carry him away to sweeter ones, a heavy fist pounded on the front door, making both Travis and Bryant go still. They shared a silent look and tried to stare each other down, neither rising to answer the insistent banging. Bryant sure as hell wasn’t getting up.

  He had six strips of bacon and knew he’d be lucky to come back and find two left if he dared to tempt Travis by abandoning his plate. That was just what Travis wanted him to do as he glared down Bryant until finally Alex’s patience snapped and he started hollering.

  “I know you two idiots are in there,” the sheriff called out. “Now open this door up before I decide to get creative with my revenge.”

  Nobody wanted that, but still, Travis held his position, leaving Bryant little choice but to carry his plate of bacon to the front door. He balanced it in one hand as he turned the knob with the other. Almost immediately it shoved back as Alex came storming into the foyer, forcing Bryant back into the living room with his massive bulk.

  “We need to talk,” Alex started off, looking and sounding like he was ready to blow a gasket. Then again, that was the sheriff’s normal disposition, so Bryant didn’t worry too much.

  “I get that. Come on back into the kitchen.”

  Bryant led the way through the dining room that fed into the kitchen. Travis was still there chewing on his eggs and looking sullen at having lost the battle for the bacon. That just made it all the more fun to crunch a piece right in front of him as Bryant settled back down into his seat.

  “Sheriff wants a word,” he informed Travis before taking another pointed bite of his bacon.

  “I got that,” Travis shot back before turning his scowl on Alex. “And I take it that it’s not a pleasant word.”

  “I got a call from the mayor.” They all knew what that meant.

  Shit ran down stream, and Bryant suspected there was an avalanche coming his way.

  “He was concerned,” Alex continued when neither Travis nor Bryant offered up any response to his first declaration. “Apparently his niece didn’t come home last night.”

  “Maybe she was out having fun,” Travis suggested, his frown easing into a smile that only darkened Alex’s glare.

  “And maybe she was here…and not at work this morning where she was supposed to be,” Alex shot back.

  “Maybe,” Bryant agreed easily, daring to take a stand against the sheriff since he figured he was already screwed. “But what the hell business of yours is it?”

  “It’s my business when the mayor hears a rumor tha
t his niece’s car was parked out in front of your shitty abode all night long. It’s my business when the mayor decides that you aren’t good enough for his niece and that you are taking advantage of her in a vulnerable time in her life.”

  That was said with enough heat to singe the hairs on Bryant’s arm. They all stood up because he knew where this was headed, and he’d be damned if he was staying away from Tara.

  “So?” Travis shrugged, seeming less than concerned by Alex’s outrage. “Tara’s a grown woman. We didn’t force her into anything.”

  “The mayor wants you on nights shifts for the next two months.”

  “What?” That had Bryant coming out of his seat. “He can’t do that.”

  “No, he can’t,” Alex agreed, finding a smiling that left Bryant far from reassured. “Only I can.”

  * * * *

  Alex held his smile till he got back in his cruiser and pulled out of Travis and Bryant’s driveway. He really did enjoy messing with his men. More than that, he loved having leverage over them. It would help keep them in line, which was saying something when it came to Travis and Bryant.

  While they weren’t the two that normally make big, public spectacles of themselves, they did, more often than not, manage to get themselves into trouble. It just normally didn’t involve a woman, or the mayor. There was a jackass if ever one had been elected to office.

  It was unfortunate, but he was a jackass Alex had to put up with and even pretend to like on most occasion, given he was elected, too. Of course that was a hassle he was growing tired of. So was running the department. It ate up a lot of time.

  That might not have bothered him much in the past, but Alex had recently started to re-evaluate his priorities and his future opportunities. After all, he was getting married, about to inherit a son, and no doubt would be making a few of his own. He didn’t really want to be on call constantly, working late when he could be at home with his family. Then there was all the glad-handing and committees and councils and an endless array of obligations.