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  • Tara's Revenge [Cattleman's Club 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 6

Tara's Revenge [Cattleman's Club 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Read online

Page 6

  There he hesitated, waiting for the moment she turned around. When it came, she didn’t fail to react with a startled fright that had him laughing. Tara shrieked, her whole body jerking with the motion and causing her sandwich to go flying. Bread, lettuce, tomatoes, and an assorted mixture of sliced meats splayed across the floor as she panted for a breath that Tara recovered rather quickly.

  “What the hell are you doing?” Instantly halting her momentary retreat, she straightened back up to glare at him. Travis didn’t even try to hide his smile as he eyed the thick robe she was wrapped up in.

  “Stalking you,” he answered honestly. “You got anything on under that?”

  “Stalking me?” Tara repeated, easing around him with her scowl still firmly in place. “Why in the world are you doing that?”

  “Because I’m horny.” Actually he was several degrees hotter than that, and he really wanted to know what she had on under that robe, but Tara didn’t appear interested in answering his question yet. She was still stuck on confused.

  “I would think you would know enough women who would gladly handle that problem and that you wouldn’t have to resort to stalking after me.”

  Travis shrugged, unable to deny that. “Yep, but it’s you I want.”

  That was a line that normally worked like butter for him, but Tara was different from the women he normally used it on. She didn’t melt. Just the opposite. She retreated farther back and away from him.

  “Listen, Deputy⎯“


  “Deputy,” Tara pointedly repeated. “I’m not looking for…more than a little fun.”

  “I take exception to that,” Travis cut in as he began to pace after Tara, crowding her back toward the sofa. “We had a lot of fun. Not a little.”

  “We had a one-night stand,” Tara insisted. “And now that night is over.”

  “Let’s call it a fling instead and keep the party rolling,” Travis suggested as Tara came to a stop, her knees pressing into the edge of the couch as he closed in on her. “What do you say, sunshine? Wanna fuck?”

  Tara licked her lips, the scent of her arousal thickening in the air as she stared up wide-eyed at him. She wanted him—Travis was sure of that—but he wasn’t sure what would come out of her mouth. He shouldn’t have been confused. If Tara had proven one thing in the past twenty-four hours, she was honest.

  “Yes, but⎯“

  “But nothing, sunshine.” Travis had the answer he wanted, and he didn’t plan on slowing down to hear any kind of objections. Instead, he reached for her terry cloth belt as he offered her a smile. “Let’s get this robe off you and back to having some fun.”

  Chapter 6

  Saturday, June 21st

  Bryant knew exactly where Travis had gone when he found him missing after getting out of the shower. He’d have raced off to join him, but he had another double shift to get ready for. A double shift on Saturday of all days, and Travis, that jackass, had the whole day off. That smarted.

  He grumbled over the injustice of it all as he pulled back on his uniform and headed out the door. Even if he didn’t have the time to go harrying off after Tara, he did have the time to stop in for a late lunch and was fortunate enough to catch Glenda with Cybil.

  Between the two managers, there wasn’t anything going on down at the government building that they didn’t know and nobody they didn’t know all about. That would include all the details on Tara. Bryant didn’t know what he’d do with those facts, but he wanted to know them.

  So he headed straight for their table, sauntering up with a smile and greeting for both ladies. “Glenda, Cybil, aren’t you two a sweet sight for a man’s eyes?”

  Cybil blinked up at him as if he’d spoken in some foreign language, but Glenda knew his game and snorted.

  “Aren’t you all aglow this afternoon, Deputy?” Glenda eyed him for a moment before guessing at just what had him grinning. “I take it things went well with Tara yesterday.”

  “Couldn’t have gone better,” Bryant assured her before he realized that maybe Tara didn’t want everybody to know that fact. It was too late now to take the words back. There was definitely no denying what he meant.

  “Why am I not shocked?” Glenda smirked before casting a quick glance over at Cybil. “Bryant picked the mayor’s niece to play hostage yesterday. You should have seen him. He was smitten from the moment he walked up.”

  “Smitten?” Cybil arched a perfectly plucked brow in obvious doubt. “Are you sure that’s the word for it?”

  Glenda didn’t hesitate to stick by her opinion. “Yes, I think it is the word because the deputy here is only standing there staring at us because he’s trying to figure out a way to pump us for information on Tara. Isn’t that right, Deputy?”

  “It’s deputy now?” Bryant asked, picking up on the sardonic amusement in Glenda’s tone.

  “I already helped you out, Bryant, but don’t mistake my assistance for the idea that I’m on your team,” Glenda informed him with a pointed look.

  “And what’s that supposed to mean?”

  Glenda didn’t answer. She just smiled, and he knew then that she hadn’t just set him up. She’d set up Tara. Bryant was just dying to know why, but he could tell by the stubborn set of Glenda’s chin that he wouldn’t be getting any secrets out of her. Cybil, on the other hand, he had some leverage with.

  “Okay.” Bryant held up his hands and took a step back. “I get it, but you’re not the only one with secrets, Glenda. I know something. Something Cybil might like to know. Something about Duncan.”

  That name had Cybil perking up in her seat and going real still as her eyes narrowed on him. “What makes you think I care anything about Duncan?”

  Bryant didn’t answer. He just smiled and turned to find his own booth and order up a sandwich, certain Cybil would eventually break down. Hell, it was clear to anybody who knew the situation what was going on. Cybil and Duncan had a fling a few months back.

  It had been hot and intense by all accounts and very, very hush- hush. What had ended it, Bryant didn’t know. What he did know was that Duncan had been acting like a total dick ever since. He also knew that whatever had happened between Duncan and Cybil, it wasn’t over.

  Neither was Gwen’s obsession with the sheriff and Heather. Bryant frowned as he watched Gwen strut into the Bread Box, which was daring even for Gwen. Everybody knew she had an obsessive crush on the sheriff. Of course he was rumored to be engaged to Heather, who owned the Bread Box. That kind of made Gwen and Heather archenemies with the bakery clearly defined as Heather’s territory.

  That didn’t stop Gwen from shooting Heather a dirty look or taking a table for herself. Bryant would have lost interest right about then if a second familiar face hadn’t come through the front door. It was Charlotte, as in the Davis brothers’ former live-in lover. That had been before they’d moved on to Patton and she’d been caught in a fire.

  Charlotte had strangely disappeared after that, but she was back now and with a seriously dangerous-looking male in tow. Bryant studied the man, memorizing his features as something deep in his gut told him that the trio was up to no good.

  They were clearly a trio, Charlotte and her companion joining Gwen. There was a flurry of introductions and a quick conversation before all three turned to stare pointedly at Heather. Bryant suspected that was because they’d yet to receive any service. From the way Heather turned her back on them, they weren’t going to get any either.

  That was their problem. Duncan was Cybil’s. That was only proven by the way she lingered as Glenda finally left. Konor had just brought Bryant his sandwich when the woman finally caved and came to slide into the other side of his booth. They stared at each other for a moment before Bryant finally broke the pointed silence.

  “So you do care?”

  “Cut the crap,” Cybil snapped. “I got the goods on your girl. I want to know what you’ve got on Duncan.”

  Bryant smirked, not about to give up his pot of g
old without seeing how big hers was first. “It’s good. Trust me.”

  “I don’t,” Cybil answered honestly. “So, cough it up and prove me wrong.”

  “You first.” Bryant hefted his sandwich up. “I’m hungry.”

  Cybil frowned and hesitated but finally started spitting out facts. “She just went through a nasty divorce. Apparently, he cheated on her…a lot…and now she’s here to lick her wounds. Your turn.”

  “My news is better than that dime-store gossip.” Bryant wasn’t about to budge until he got the good stuff out of Cybil.

  “Fine,” Cybil spat. “She’s rich. Now tell me what you know.”

  “What do you mean rich?” Bryant hesitated over a bite of sandwich, waiting for Cybil to explain herself.

  “I’m talking really rich…trust-fund-baby rich.” Cybil hesitated, but Bryant didn’t respond to that, letting his silence pressure her into telling the rest of the story. “It’s apparently the reason her husband married her, and now she’s⎯“

  “Trying to find a man who cares about her and not her money?” Bryant guessed, but he guessed wrong.

  “No.” Cybil shook her head as Bryant continued to demolish his sandwich. “Tara isn’t looking a man. She’s looking for a little fun.”

  “Which explains why Glenda set her up with me,” Bryant muttered to himself.

  He was definitely fun and normally would have taken that as a compliment, but for some reason, the idea irked him today. Bryant had more to offer than just a good time. He was kind and compassionate. He was creative and hardworking. He was a catch and well worth dating…except that he didn’t date. Instead he screwed around.

  “Well?” Cybil broke into his thoughts, drawing him back to the moment and her frown. “I spilled. Now you spill.”

  “Duncan’s in love with you.” It was easy enough for Bryant to say, though he knew his buddy probably wouldn’t be able to get the words out himself. Cybil certainly seemed to have a hard time hearing them.


  “Since the two of you broke off your…thing⎯“

  “I don’t do things,” Cybil all but growled, making Bryant snort as he began popping chips into his mouth.

  “You did Duncan’s,” he shot back, pausing to finish chewing and swallowing before continuing on. “Now he isn’t putting that thing to any kind of good use.”


  “I know.” Bryant cut Cybil off, certain of what she was about to say. “He’s running around with all the ladies, flirting it up and acting like the big man, but the big man’s little man ain’t getting no action. In fact, you’d be doing us all a favor if you’d put him back into action because the man is being a downright prick lately.”

  “Isn’t he always one?” Cybil asked, her tone just as dour, but he could see the hope returning to her gaze.

  “Yeah, well, let me give you a little advice. Any man only has so long that he’s going to wait for a woman to make her move.” Bryant wiped his mouth with his napkin before balling it up and dropping it onto his empty plate.

  “Who said I cared?” Cybil asked, managing to sound perfectly disinterested, but Bryant knew that was a lie.

  “Honey, it is written all over your face,” Bryant informed her as he shook his head. “What isn’t there is why you are bothering with the charade. So you want to clear that up for me?”



  “It’s just an age thing.” She caved almost instantly, even as she began to lift her purse strap back over her shoulder. She was sliding out of the booth, even as she was offering up excuses. “Duncan’s young, too young to know what commitment is, and I’m too old to waste my time hoping for dreams that don’t ever come true.”

  “It sounds more like you’re just cynical,” Bryant shot back, drawing a dirty look from Cybil before she stormed off.

  He followed her out the door not minutes later, rushing to make it to the station house on time. Sure enough, he was about five minutes late, and Alex was there to catch him as he came flying in through the main door.

  “You’re late,” the sheriff declared, standing there with his arms crossed over his chest and a scowl firmly furled at his brow.

  “My watch must be slow,” Bryant returned almost instantly.

  “Or you were up to something you shouldn’t have been doing,” Alex countered, his tone hard, even as the deputies behind him bit back chuckles and grins. They were all amused, which meant Bryant was in deep trouble.

  “I was just eating lunch,” Bryant defended himself, managing to inject a perfect touch of innocence into his tone.

  “I’m talking about last night, dumbass,” Alex snapped. “I got a call from the mayor, who was concerned when his niece was not home at a decent hour.”

  Yeah, he was in deep trouble, and it wasn’t even fair. Travis was the one who had committed most of the crime. If Bryant knew Travis, which he did very well, the bastard was still buried balls deep in the mayor’s niece’s forbidden territory. That gave Bryant an idea.

  “Well, she’s home now,” Bryant assured Alex, taking a mad guess. “It’s a decent hour, so…why don’t you tell the mayor to go check on Miss Tara and ask her himself how her night went.”

  He’d been hoping to get Travis into some trouble, but Bryant only managed to dig himself deeper into his own hole. That was clear the moment Alex’s eyes narrowed on him.

  “Are you being smart with me, boy?” Alex didn’t budge as Bryant pushed through the swing door that led around the lobby counter into the space behind that the deputies used for their desks.

  “No, sir,” Bryant denied, even if he was lying. “I was just pointing out that Miss Tara has been safely, happily returned home.”

  “And now you’re going to safely, happily spend the day going through all of last year’s arrests and making sure the files are complete and in order before we put them into storage.”


  “Happily, Deputy,” Alex repeated himself. “Because a happy deputy makes for a happy sheriff, understand?”

  Bryant did all too well. He was getting screwed, and there was nothing he could do but plaster on a bright, fake smile. “Yes, sir.”

  “Good.” Alex nodded. “You have two shifts to get it all done. I expect you’ll accomplish that goal, Deputy.”

  Bryant heaved an aggrieved sigh, giving up smile since sighing wasn’t doing him any good. “Yes, sir.”

  * * * *

  Travis stared up at the ceiling in Tara’s bedroom and couldn’t seem to wipe the smile from his lips. This was living, spending all day rolling around naked with a hot chick. He didn’t know how he’d gotten so lucky, and Travis wasn’t about to question his luck. He was content to simply lie back and enjoy feeling the warmth of the sunlight coming through the skylight heat his skin.

  In the distance, Travis could hear Tara washing up in the shower. The water running through the pipes made for a perfect, low-toned rumble that harmonized with the tweet of the birds outside. For a moment, Travis felt as if he were living in a movie. A romantic comedy, which was ironic because he hated those kinds of movies.

  That Saturday, though, he was feeling like a new man, a man who had a hell of a woman by his side. The woman, though, didn’t look half as pleased when she came padding back into the bedroom. Tara cinched the belt around her robe tightly and frowned. That was all Travis needed to see to know there was trouble in his paradise.

  “Aren’t you going to get out of bed?” she asked with a unmistakable bite to her tone.

  Travis didn’t let that deflate his good mood, though. Instead, he simply smiled up at her and turned her question back in on her. “Aren’t you going to get back into bed?”


  “Tara,” he shot back, exaggerating his tone to imitate the impatience in hers.


  “I’m looking, and you appear to be overdressed.”



  “Will you be serious for a moment?” she snapped with obvious exasperation, but Travis wasn’t intimidated by her frown.

  “Nope.” He shook his head. “Sorry, but my legs are still tingling from all that fucking, and I’m feeling way too good to do much more than contemplate another round.”

  He was serious, which was a minor miracle because he was still hard enough to be serious. Travis might not be old, but the days of his dick standing to attention for six straight hours had come and gone…and, apparently, come back because he was still saluting Tara. In fact, he had the muscle control to wave at her with his dick, managing to catch her gaze and draw a snicker from her.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me. Again?”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Travis rolled up onto his knees and crawled across the bed to latch onto the belt of her robe. “And don’t even bother lying to me and telling me you’re not ready for more. I can smell your heat, sunshine, and I’m hungry for another taste.”

  In fact, he was desperate for it, and thankfully, Tara didn’t try to deny him as he used her belt to pull her into his arms and down onto the mattress. It took Travis less than thirty seconds and he had her naked and moaning as the heated proof of her arousal tingled on his tongue.

  * * * *

  Tara didn’t know what she’d gotten herself into. That thought began to condense inside of her as the ecstasy from her recent release began to fade into a pleasant tingle. She found herself capable of thinking of things without feeling the emotional rush of any of her thoughts. It was clear now to her that she’d gotten herself into trouble.

  Deep trouble because Travis wasn’t leaving. He was heaving and panting and sweating all over her sheets, and grinning like a loon. The man was obviously having fun. So was she, but there was a limit to how much fun she was looking to have.