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  • Tara's Revenge [Cattleman's Club 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 3

Tara's Revenge [Cattleman's Club 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Read online

Page 3


  Exciting, intoxicating ambrosia flooded his senses, and he was drowning in it, drowning in the sudden wonder of Tara’s kiss. She made a small, sexy sound of longing and pressed herself closer, the thick vest keeping him from feeling all those sexy curves. He’d have loved nothing more than to rip right through every layer of cotton, metal, and polyester separating them, but the idiots outside were yelling at him again.

  They’d come in if he didn’t answer back, but Bryant hated to release Tara. He’d hate more to lose this moment, though. So, he pulled his mouth free of hers to shout back an expletive-laden warning before dipping his chin and reclaiming Tara’s lips for another kiss.

  This time she kissed him back, her head tilting to adjust their fit to perfect as her tongue lifted to duel with his. In an instant, he forgot all about everything else but Tara. Her kiss said it all. She was hot and hungry. So was he, the scent of lust only thickening his own need until he was hard and aching and ready to rip right through everything keeping him from the honeyed well of the pussy he knew would be wet and more than ready for a rough ride.

  Once again he was saved from doing something really stupid as the deputies outside reminded him of their presence. They were trying to negotiate, and Bryant was so supposed to cooperate to some degree. He wasn’t in the mood, though, and shouted back curses, breaking with the role he’d been assigned to play.

  That didn’t sit well with the sheriff, who cussed him back and ordered him to stick to the script. The only problem with that was Bryant had forgotten the script. So, he boldly informed Alex that he was making it up as he went along and to learn to adjust. Then he was kissing Tara once again.

  Bryant didn’t ever want to stop. No woman had ever tasted this good. None had ever come close to making him this hard. He ached, and there was only one cure for the pain. Tara. He needed her. He wanted her, and he was going to have her…just not right then.

  “I knew it!” Alex roared as he wrenched open the door, flooding the closet with light and exposing Brett and Tara to the rest of the squad. There were snickers and smirks all around, though Alex wasn’t smiling. “Get your ass out of that closet, Deputy Black, and back to the station. You’re to wait in my office because we’re going to have a few words when I get back.”

  Bryant didn’t doubt him, but it had been worth it. Smothering his own smile with a nod of his head, he brushed past Alex, leaving Tara blushing and cuffed. A fact that did not escape the sheriff’s notice, and Bryant could hear Alex making all sorts of apologies and assuring Tara that Bryant shouldn’t have bound her, that he was just getting her used to the idea.

  After all, there was more to come.

  Chapter 3

  Tara glanced around the bar and wondered what she was thinking by coming here. After the sheriff had banished Bryant, Travis had stepped in to pick up where his buddy had left off. Well, sort of. He hadn’t kissed her, but with that whiskey-toned voice and those big chocolate eyes, he’d seduced her just as easily as Bryant had.

  Hell, even now they were seducing her and they hadn’t even arrived at the bar yet. Some of the other deputies had, and they hadn’t failed to notice Tara. With grins that echoed the ones they’d worn when Alex had ripped open the closet door and exposed Bryant and her to the light of day, they’d eyed her with a look that made the situation perfectly clear.

  They expected her to fuck Travis and Bryant, and she was far from the first woman who had gotten trapped in the closet and seduced into taking a walk on the wild side. Normally that knowledge would have scared Tara off, but not this time.

  She wasn’t looking for a relationship. She’d just gotten out of one and simply wanted to have a little naughty fun. Not that she thought there was anything little about either Travis or Bryant. Tara was pretty damn sure that would hold true to the climaxes they could give a woman.

  So, she held her head high and joined the other deputies as they explained that Bryant had gotten held up by the sheriff. They didn’t need to go further than that. She’d seen the man. He’d been pissed. That, too, normally would have bothered her, but right then, she couldn’t muster the effort to care that she’d helped ruin their training exercise, especially not when the men didn’t seem to mind.

  They were all in high spirits, ordering three pitchers for the table and a stack of glasses from the large, grim-faced bartender. He kept an eye on them but didn’t make any comments or complaints as the crowd grew bigger and rowdier. The subject of conversation seemed to center around just how much trouble Bryant was in.

  That did have Tara feeling a little guilty. Her worries only grew when Travis finally showed up, sans Bryant. Of course, he didn’t look concerned. In fact, he was grinning ear to ear, his gaze locked firmly on her from the moment he shoved in through the front door. With a strut that would have made most male models millions, he sauntered right up to her, ignoring the group of deputies that fell silent at his approach.

  “Hey, beautiful, you made it,” Travis greeted her with a smoothness that sharpened to a near point as he turned to glance at the deputy sitting beside her. “You’re in my seat, Adam.”

  “Yeah?” Adam eyed Travis for a moment, clearly debating whether to take issue with the other man’s tone. “I don’t see your name on it.”

  “And I don’t see your ring on Rachel’s finger,” Travis shot back. “Does that make her available, too?”

  Whoever Rachel was, it was clear the answer was no, given the dark scowl that furled at Adam’s brow. A sudden tension gripped the group for a moment before it was broken by calls from the other guys for the two of them to knock it off because they had company. Tara assumed that was her. Those comments certainly had both Travis and Adam looking at her.

  Finally, with a grumble that Travis was a dick, Adam gave over his chair and went to pull another one up. Travis settled down into the abandoned seat without any hint of concern over Adam’s glower. He was too busy turning another one of those devastating smiles on Tara, but before he could say anything, the men were all demanding to know where Bryant was.

  They also all had their own opinions on what the possible answer was. Their suggestions were both surprising and unnerving. Having met the sheriff through her uncle, Tara had been struck by how straight-laced and uptight he was, but apparently he also had a mean streak.

  “So, come on, Travis,” the deputies cajoled him. “Give it up. What did Alex do to Bryant?”

  “Dear, poor Deputy Black is doing double shifts for a week,” Travis declared with a relish that matched his grin as he turned his twinkling gaze on her. “And I guess that means I have you, Miss Tara, all to myself tonight.”

  He murmured that last bit for her ears alone. It was a strange thing to say, given the crowd that now surrounded the three tables the deputies had pushed together, but Tara understood his meaning perfectly clear. Travis was taking her home tonight and fantasies of a ménage had just been broken, not that she was disappointed with the consolation prize.

  “Is that right?” Tara offered Travis a smile of her own and teased him back. “And just what makes you think I’m going to let myself be had?”

  “You showed up, didn’t you?” Travis countered instantly.

  There was no denying that or that he had it right about why she’d shown up. That didn’t mean Tara wasn’t going to play a little hard to get. After all it was kind of fun to be got.

  “Maybe I just came for the beer.”

  “You’re drinking water.”

  “I am?” Tara looked down at her glass and smiled. It was definitely full of beer.

  “Yep.” Travis leaned forward to pull her mug from her hand and push it away. “I want you clear headed and fully aware.”

  “Of?” Tara lifted a brow at that, all but daring him to say what they both knew he meant out loud.

  “I’ll show you later, sunshine,” Travis assured her with a wink.


  “Cross my heart and hope to die,” Travis vowed
with a laugh, and Tara couldn’t help but return the gesture.

  He might have been a prick to Adam, but he was all honey to her. “I’m going to hold you to that.”

  Travis’s grin grew. There was something so intimate about the sudden tension that thickened between them that it almost scared Tara. She wasn’t looking to fall for this guy. She was just planning on using him, and he certainly seemed like the type of guy who would say the same. In that moment, though, it felt like there was something deeper, something scary beginning to bind them.

  Tara looked away, shifting in her seat in a vain attempt to shake off the moment. It didn’t work. She could still feel his eyes on her, making her blush and glance desperately around for something to distract her. The other men, though, had moved on to their own conversations, leaving her completely at the mercy of Travis as he leaned over to stretch an arm across the back of her chair.

  “So tell me, beautiful, where has the mayor been hiding you all these years?” Travis asked with a lazy, sexy drawl that had all her nerve endings tingling.

  “Atlanta.” Tara cleared her throat and straightened in her seat as she tried to throw off the sensual web she could feel him weaving around her. “And how did you know I was related to the mayor?”

  “Asked the sheriff.” Travis shrugged. “He made it clear. You’re supposed to be off-limits.”

  That shocked Tara enough to have her turning to meet Travis’s gaze. “Really?”

  “Yeah.” Travis nodded. “You’re the mayor’s niece, his brother’s daughter, and he is quite protective of you.”

  “Yes. He is.” Tara couldn’t deny that. Her uncle had always been good to her, always treated her well, and had been the first to offer her help when she’d decided to divorce Richard. She didn’t think he could save her from Travis, though.

  “I got a message from Bryant, one that comes from both of us.” Travis paused to lift a hand and brush back a stray lock of her hair that had fallen forward. It was a soft, gentle touch that contrasted sharply with his hard vow. “It’s worth it. You’re worth it.”

  “I just got divorced,” Tara stated bluntly, feeling a need for a little honesty. “And all I’m looking for is a good time.”

  “Then, honey, you’ve come to the right man.” Travis shoved back his seat and hopped up as he extended a hand toward her. “Let’s go.”

  Tara hesitated for a brief second before taking his hand and following him as he led her back to the door. It was only once that they were outside that it hit her what she’d just agreed to. A sliver of apprehension snaked up her spine, infusing the heady lust swirling in her veins with a heightened sense of exhilaration.

  This was really going to happen…and there were a few things they needed to get straight first.

  “Wait.” Tara dug her heels in, bringing Travis to an immediate stop.

  “For what?” Giving her a look that was lethally sexual, he smiled slightly. “You’re not changing your mind, are you?”

  “No.” Tara wouldn’t dream of it, no matter how much a part of her was afraid to let go and give in to this moment. “But we need to come to an understanding about some things.”


  “Like I’m on birth control, but⎯“

  “I always wear a condom,” Travis cut in. “And I’m clean. You?”

  “Yes.” Tara nodded, feeling reassured by his declaration. The last thing she needed was to get pregnant or sick. “Then we understand each other?”

  “Perfectly.” Travis grinned. “Now, where is your car?”

  * * * *

  Travis escorted Tara to her little compact and whistled his way to his truck after seeing her safely tucked in behind the wheel. He felt good, felt better than he had for ages. This was going to be a good night, a great night, because he had Tara all to himself.

  She was such a sexy little thing, her smiles so sweet and shy, but the glimmer in her eyes was full of want. He didn’t have to ask to know following a man home from a bar was not her normal routine. Tara had good girl written all over her.

  Normally that was like dick-repellant to him, but right then, all Travis could do was pant at the thought of just how he was going to pervert her. He had a lot of ideas and planned on giving them all a try. All he had to do was get her back to the house he and Bryant rented.

  Travis would have liked to have done that a little faster, but Tara didn’t keep up every time he sped up. She clearly went only one speed⎯the limit. That was just kind of cute, especially given that they were moving a speed a whole lot faster. They were just getting there slowly, but finally, she was following him up the drive of the rental he shared with Bryant and parking a polite distance behind him.

  After hopping out of his truck, Travis jogged quickly to reach Tara’s door before she could throw it open, instinctively knowing that she was the type of lady who liked a man to do things like hold doors open. He knew he was right by the smile she beamed at him as he held a hand down to her and helped her out.

  “Thank you.” Tara beamed up at him as she stepped back and allowed him to close her car door before starting to lead her up the path to the small ranch. She was taking it in with a look of interest. “This is your house?”

  “Just a rental,” Travis corrected her. “Bryant and I actually are looking at buying our own home, but we can’t agree on our must-haves.”

  “Really? What’s the disagreement over?”

  “The pool.” Travis brought Tara to a pause before the front door as he focused on getting his key into the lock. “Bryant doesn’t want one, and I do. This house has one, and it is the greatest thing ever.”

  That normally impressed the ladies, but not Tara, who only looked mildly interested in the conversation. “Why doesn’t Bryant want one?”

  “Upkeep. Insurance. Generally everybody is always over here because of it.”

  A fact that Travis didn’t mind but it did drive Bryant a little nuts. That was an argument that meant little to him right then. What mattered was the difficulty he seemed to be having with the lock. His fingers were trembling Travis realized with a bit of amazement. He was nervous. Only he never got nervous.


  Not facing down criminals with loaded weapons. Not seducing women who could have been mistaken for Playmates. Not ever. He was always solid as a rock, but for some reason, right then, his rock was crumbling. Travis suspected it had something to do with the light, airy fragrance of Tara’s arousal wrapping around him that was the cause for his sudden bout of tremors. It was too much to hope that Tara wouldn’t notice.

  “Are you okay?” She placed a small, gentle hand on his back, all but searing him with her touch as she leaned closer to frown up at him. “You’ve gone a little pale.”

  “I’m fine,” Travis answered, but he knew he didn’t sound it.

  He did manage, though, to get the door open. Tara hesitated a bare second before stepping through. Travis followed, kicking the door shut behind him. It had barely slammed into the frame before he had Tara pinned against the wall, all soft curves flattened against him.

  She looked up at him with wide, startled eyes, but Travis didn’t have the patience to explain anything. Instead, he showed her, pouring all the desperation and impatience into his kiss as he captured her lips with his. They broke beneath him, allowing him into the sweet heaven of her mouth, and instantly, Travis was lost.

  It was just like Bryant had said. Sinking his tongue into Tara’s mouth was like sliding into a warm, wet heaven that had his dick throbbing in angry demand. He wanted her, needed her, right then and there. There was no stopping now. There was no need to.

  Tara’s tongue lifted to twine with his as she began tearing at his clothes. Travis returned the favor, leaning back just far enough to shove her shirt up to her shoulders and snap her bra free. Then those big, luscious breasts were falling into his hands, her nipples already puckered with her need. They tightened farther as he rolled his thumbs over her sensitive tips, making Tara moan into
his mouth and arch into his touch.

  It wasn’t enough.

  Travis wanted more, and as much as it pained him, he forced himself to tear free of Tara’s kiss so he could sink down to his knees to worship her breasts with the attention they deserved. Plumping them up between his hands, he moved from one to the other, sucking, kissing, nibbling until Tara was panting, her fingers digging into his hair to hold him steady.

  The slight bite of her nails sent a wicked thrill through him that only blossomed into a ravenous need as the scent of her pussy going wet and soft thickened in the air. Curling his fingers around the edge of her skirt, he all but ripped it right off her body to release the heady perfume of her arousal and reveal the very modest pair of panties she wore.

  Cupping her mound, he wasn’t surprised to find the satiny material already soaked with her cream. Neither was he shocked to find her folds soft and swollen as he worked his fingers beneath the elastic edge of her panties to tease her intimate flesh. Tara’s response was instantaneous. Her hips arched upward as she moaned and begged for more. That was all Travis needed to hear.

  Nibbling his way downward across her quivering stomach to catch the waistband of her panties with his teeth, he pulled them all the way down to her ankles before giving into the urge driving him damn near insane. Gripping her knee in his tight hold, he forced her leg up and over his shoulder as he captured her weeping cunt in a kiss that had Tara gasping and twisting in his hold.

  Even as she fought the pleasure he forced upon her, she still held his head in a hard grip as she kept him pinned to her pussy. Travis didn’t mind. He barely even noticed. He was too busy losing himself in the sweetest tasting cunt he’d ever dined on. She was hot, wet, and so damn soft he couldn’t get enough.

  Over and over again, he fucked his tongue up into the tight clench of her sheath, feeling her muscles ripple and clench around him, trying to suck him deeper. Deeper he would go, just not with his tongue. He couldn’t wait anymore to put the painfully hard length of his dick to good use.