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Kitty Anne in Charge [Cattleman's Club 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 22

  She was meeting his friends, which consisted of just as many women as men. That didn’t bother Kitty Anne, though his closeness with Heather was a little unnerving. It didn’t help that Kitty Anne felt certain Heather didn’t actually like her all that much. The other woman was more than a little uptight, and Kitty Anne prided herself on being loose.

  Life was just more fun that way. That was true of these past two weeks. They’d been entertaining, enlightening, and frustrating. Casting a glance over at her big man, Kitty Anne felt the familiar warmth begin to heat her veins. She wanted him. She’d had him in almost every way accept for the two that counted the most, which was just aggravating in the extreme.

  It made no sense that the man was willing to fuck her with anything and in any position except the twelve inches of thick dick she knew he was packing. He was being stubborn about the whole collar thing. If he didn’t lighten up soon, GD was going to wake up one morning to find himself staked to the damn floor with her riding him and taking just what she wanted because Kitty Anne’s patience was wearing thin.

  Not just with him. Her mother was working on Kitty Anne’s last nerve. Lynn Anne hadn’t been amused when GD showed up hauling a tin can of a trailer with a borrowed tow-truck. She’d been even more outraged to learn that Kitty Anne planned to shack up in the trailer with her new man.

  Technically she’d planned on shacking up with both her men, but that was a reality that her mother seemed oblivious to. It never appeared to dawn on Lynn Anne that GD and Nick were both always around. Of course, she’d grown really good at acting like GD didn’t exist at all.

  Obviously, Lynn Anne knew he did just as she knew that when she moved back into her trailer, Kitty Anne and Nick had moved back into the cabin with GD. The fact that Lynn Anne didn’t want to talk about the matter was just fine with Kitty Anne. Not everything needed to be talked about and neither did everybody need to be talked to.

  “Hey, Kitty!”

  “Oh God.” Closing her eyes with that groan, she turned slowly around and cracked them back open to find herself confronting not only Cole but his buddy Kyle and their girl Hailey, too.

  “Hello.” She offered that greeting tentatively, uncertain of just how things were about to go.

  “We’d thought we’d stop by and thank you.”

  “Not me.” Cole shook his head as he broke into a wide grin. “I just came by to gloat.”

  He would. As much as Kitty Anne was happy that Cole had turned out to be decent and loyal after all, she still thought Hailey deserved better. Then again that might be sour grapes on her part. After all, the plan had been for her to leave him chained to a bed while she called the cops. He would have been properly humiliated except that he was already working for the cops and she’d been the one who ended up doing the stripper’s strut through the police station. Clearly, Cole had heard about those details. She could see the truth in his grin. That smile didn’t even dip when Hailey jammed an elbow into his side.

  “Ow!” Cole shot Hailey a sore look. “There isn’t any need to get mean. The little Kitty knows she got beat.”

  “Bested.” Kyle nodded.

  “Outmaneuvered,” Cole piled on, living up to his word and gloating. “But that’s what you get when you mess with the best.”

  “Never underestimate a Cattleman,” Kyle warned with a pointed look at both women, who just stared back at him for a long moment.

  “Go.” Hailey pointed toward the door as she issued that unflinching command. Both men went, chuckling between themselves as they obeyed.

  Kitty Anne watched them leave and couldn’t help but wonder again what Hailey saw in those two. They were like little boys, and Kitty Anne preferred men. She kept that opinion to herself though as Hailey turned back around with a smile tugging at her lips.

  “Sorry about them.” She apologized for the two men, even as she shrugged off their annoying tendencies. “They think they’re funny.”

  “I’m thinking you do, too,” Kitty Anne murmured, knowing she was right, despite the fact that Hailey didn’t directly respond to that comment.

  “I did want to stop by, though, and thank you…for everything.”

  “It was nothing,” Kitty Anne lied and then immediately turned around and told the truth. “I had fun.”

  “Yeah? Then I’d say you got a strange definition of fun.”

  “Most people would.” Kitty Anne didn’t mind that either. Being different was just fine with her. “It looks like you’re having fun, too. So I guess everything worked out?”

  “Yeah…until my brothers showed up.” Hailey’s cheeks pinked to match the flame of her hair as she tacked that on.

  “That sounds interesting.” Kitty Anne could sense a story behind Hailey’s look.

  “I think you mean mortifying,” Hailey corrected her before glancing around the vestibule. She leaned in closer, her tone dropping to a whisper as her eyes began to sparkle with a mischievous gleam. “But I got plans for revenge.”

  “On your boyfriends or your brothers?” Kitty Anne asked. “Because if you need help humiliating Cole, I would be honored to assist.”

  That had Hailey tipping back her head and laughing, a sound that echoed through the vestibule and had people glancing in their direction. That included GD, who caught Kitty Anne’s gaze, and she could easily read the warning in his eyes. He didn’t want her to get into trouble. Unfortunately, there was no trouble to be had.

  “I’m sure you would.” Hailey drew Kitty Anne’s attention back to her as she offered Kitty Anne a sincere-sounding assurance. “And I’m sure you will get the chance to one day, but right now, I owe my brothers, and I have the perfect payback planned.”

  “That sounds ominous.”

  It hit Kitty Anne as she watched Hailey’s smile take on a smug curve how lucky she was to have GD and Nick. The only games they played were ones that ended with her moaning and begging for more. They had enough drama in their lives between all the boys and her mother.

  “Trust me, it’s going to be tons of fun.” Hailey snickered, but her smirk softened almost immediately as GD stepped up to join them.

  “What’s going to be fun?” he asked, clearly having caught the tail end of Hailey’s comment.

  “Nothing,” Hailey answered instantly with a fake innocence that assured everybody knew she was lying.

  “Mmm-hmm.” GD eyed the little redhead for a moment before issuing a not-so-friendly-sounding warning. “You’re not going to get my girl arrested again, are you?”

  “No,” Hailey shot back with a huff and a roll of her eyes. “And I’d point out that I didn’t get her arrested. You guys did.”

  “Mmm-hmm,” GD murmured again, sounding unimpressed.

  “That’s enough.” Kitty Anne intervened, not wanting to be the cause of any kind of arguments. “I got myself arrested, so there is no need to glare at her, Mr. Davis.”

  GD flinched at the use of his formal name. “Well, you’ll have to excuse me, Miss Allison, but I know how much trouble you girls get into in the name of fun.”

  That brought another laugh to Hailey’s lips. “That’s rich coming from the king of the Cattlemen.”

  “King?” Kitty Anne lifted a brow at that. They hadn’t discussed his club, and as far as she knew, he hadn’t been out there, but then again, she hadn’t known he was king.

  “She’s exaggerating.” GD dismissed Hailey’s comment as if it were nothing, but Kitty Anne could see through his act. He was worried. “There is no king.”

  “You’re the master of ceremonies,” Hailey ratted him out, taking exception to his correction. “Cole told me so.”

  “And I’m retiring,” GD shot back. “Did Cole tell you that?”

  “No,” Hailey admitted, but she wasn’t about to go down in defeat. The little redhead was a fighter. Kitty Anne kind of admired that about her. “Did you tell Cole?”

  “I don’t have to tell Cole anything.”

  “No, but you do have to tell the guys out at the clu
b,” Hailey pointed out. “And one of them would have told Cole. So…”

  Hailey batted her eyes patiently up at GD as she clearly waited for him to fill in the rest of the tale, but it was clear there was nothing else to tell because GD hadn’t actually resigned…yet.

  “Go away, Hailey,” GD ordered, essentially admitting defeat and sending the redhead sauntering off with a victorious smile. He paid her no attention, turning instead to pin Kitty Anne with a serious look. “I really am retiring. I swear it. I don’t have any interest in any of those women.”

  “Oh please.” Kitty Anne rolled her eyes. “I’m more worried about how attached you are to Heather than that club full of sluts.”

  That was the truth, but it obviously struck GD as odd. He frowned in blatant confusion as he glanced back over to where Heather was standing with two men, who were clearly hovering over her.

  “You don’t need to worry about Heather.” GD turned back to offer Kitty Anne a gentle smile. “She’s just like a sister to me.”

  “One you slept with,” Kitty Anne added on, causing GD to shrug.

  “Okay, maybe not like a sister, but still—”

  “She doesn’t like me,” Kitty Anne cut in, revealing her real fear because she knew how friends could sabotage a relationship. Their approval could be more important than the family’s. At least, it was for her. Maybe not so much for GD.

  “Well”—he paused as if to consider her concern but couldn’t seem to take it too seriously—“then it’s a good thing Heather’s not dating you and I am, because I like you.”

  Those words soothed the bit of worry gnawing at her, and Kitty Anne couldn’t help but step up and weave an arm through his as she pressed herself suggestively against his side.

  “Just like me?”

  “I might feel differently,” GD allowed, a glint beginning to sparkle in his gaze as he wrapped an arm around her waist and tucked her in close. “That is if you were wearing my collar.”

  “How about I wear you instead?” Kitty Anne murmured huskily for his ears only.

  “How about we find a private place where you can try and convince me to see things your way?” GD returned as his arm tightened around her in a subtle temptation that had her eagerly following him out the door.

  After all, even if she didn’t get dick, Kitty Anne knew she’d get something good.

  * * * *

  GD escorted Kitty Anne out into the bright sunlight and flicked his sunglasses down off the top of his head. It was hot out, and most of the other church patrons had already scurried off to find shelter from the heat. Most were probably headed toward Sunday brunch feasts, and he had to field off an invite from Heather and her men to join them back at Alex’s parents’ house for a spread that promised to be a lot less interesting than the one GD planned on making of Kitty Anne.

  It sucked that Kitty Anne and Heather hadn’t hit it off better, but he really wasn’t surprised. They weren’t much alike and had even less in common. Hopefully, that would change once they got Kitty Anne pregnant. Then they’d both be mothers.

  More importantly, he’d be a daddy.

  He couldn’t wait, but of course, there wouldn’t be any babies until he managed to convince Kitty Anne to wear his collar. That was turning out to be trickier than he’d assumed, mostly because the damn woman had dug her heels in. GD was pretty certain Kitty Anne didn’t object to the collar in theory. She objected to the ultimatum.

  He shouldn’t have made it. GD admitted to that mistake, if only to himself. It was too late now to take it back, and he was bound and determined to out-stubborn the woman. Besides, it wasn’t as if he wasn’t getting served.

  Already hard with the thought of what was about to come, he helped Kitty Anne up into his truck and headed back out toward the camp. A fact she took instant notice of.

  “We’re headed home?”

  “Nick and I have a little surprise arranged for you.” Actually it was a big one, and he couldn’t wait to show her.

  “Oh, I like surprises.” Kitty Anne giggled with clear excitement.

  Just the sound of her laughter had him smiling as he reached out to thread his fingers through hers. He held her hand all the way back to the cabin as they sat in a comfortable silence that held a deeper hint of contentment. He didn’t want to lose that feeling and would do almost anything to hold on to it.

  Anything was just what he and Nick planned on doing.

  The other man was waiting by the front shrubs as GD pulled down the long drive that led to Nick’s cabin. There was no assigned parking, so GD simply pulled his truck in next to Nick’s beneath the shade of a trimmed cedar tree. Its big leafy branches twisted outward, forming a thick canopy that kept the heat of the sun at bay. Kitty Anne flashed him a grin as she pulled her hand free and reached for the door handle.

  “You have my expectations up, so this better be good,” she warned him as Nick appeared to assist her.

  “Don’t worry, it will be,” GD assured her as he dug down into the pocket of his suit pants to pull out a length of black satin. “But first you got to put this on.”

  “Hmmm.” Kitty eyed the fabric, ignoring Nick as he pulled open her door. “And what will you do to convince me?”

  “No blindfold, no surprise,” GD retorted as he held up the strip of satin.

  Kitty Anne smiled and pointedly turned her back, allowing him to secure the blindfold into place. GD took extra care not to catch any of her hair as he tied the knot and couldn’t resist the temptation to lean forward and nuzzle the graceful curve of her neck. Her skin was softer than the finest silks and her scent…GD’s eyes closed for a brief second as he fought back the primal urges just being near her ignited in him.

  “I think boyfriend number two needs a moment.”

  GD opened his eyes to pin a glare on Nick as he growled over Kitty Anne’s shoulder back at the smirking man. “Well then, take one. Boyfriend number one will take our girl.”

  “There is no one or two,” Kitty Anne interrupted. “Now stop arguing, or I’ll have to get mean.”

  She sounded prissy as hell and looked it with her pursed lips, but GD knew the truth. Kitty Anne worried about Nick and him getting along. She was very sensitive and quick to interfere whenever she thought they were arguing over her, or too intensely over anything.

  It was sweet, and totally unnecessary, though neither of them told her that. They kind of liked her worrying. Nick and GD shared a smile as Nick reached up to pull Kitty Anne down out of the truck.

  “Don’t sweat it, sexy. The big man knows what number he is.” Nick tossed GD a wink, and he responded by flipping the other man off, but he was smiling.

  GD’s grin only grew as he hopped out of the truck and sauntered around the hood to take Kitty Anne’s hand. Nick had a hold of her other one, and together they started leading her toward her surprise.

  * * * *

  Nick was nervous, more nervous than he’d ever been. Then again, very few things mattered as much as making sure that Kitty Anne was happy. Unfortunately, he had some bad news for her. He could only hope his surprise made up for that, but with every step they took, he grew more and more certain it wouldn’t.

  She was going to hate the idea. Worse, she was going to hate him because he was about to break her heart. That would break his, but it was too late to turn back now. Not that he could. Not that Mr. Selvage would let him. This was all that twerp’s fault, and if Kitty Anne shed one tear, Nick would beat the crap out of him.

  He laid down that silent vow as he brought Kitty Anne to a stop behind the cabin. To the right, the hill sloped downward toward the camp’s campus. To the left, Lynn Anne’s trailer sat nestled in by new garden beds that Nick took as an ominous sign.

  Kitty Anne’s mother was getting comfortable and Kitty Anne still seemed far from ready to tell her mother to get lost. Nick certainly wasn’t going to risk pissing off Kitty Anne by doing it himself. He had hope that eventually Lynn Anne would push her daughter too far.

p; Right then, though, it was his own ass on the chopping block as he looked over the new shed he’d had installed that morning. It was bigger and nicer and already had three windows.

  “You ready to see your surprise?” Nick asked, trying to force some cheer and enthusiasm into his voice, but he failed to fool either her or GD. The big man shot him a smirk as Kitty Anne scowled.

  “Why are your hands sweaty?” Kitty Anne’s nose wrinkled.

  “He’s just nervous.” GD snorted as he reached for the ties to her blindfold. “So, be a good girl and try to pretend like you’re pleased with his thoughtfulness because this is mostly on him.”

  Nick shot GD a dirty look for that one but was quickly distracted by Kitty Anne's reaction as the big man pulled the satin strap free. It took her a second for her eyes to focus. She blinked rapidly for a moment before her mouth fell open on a giddy gasp.

  “That’s my name!” Kitty Anne’s smile lit up her face for a second, only to be replaced by a frown of confusion that quickly followed as she read the rest of the sign that was affixed to the shed’s front door. “I’m a director...of fundraising?”

  Nick swallowed hard, not certain if she were affronted or overwhelmed. Either way, it was time to sell his surprise and hope she didn’t realize it was just a cover for correcting his mistake. Fortunately for him, he was good at selling, but then Kitty Anne was good at seeing through him. That was just what it felt like when her gaze turned on him as Nick took her hand in his and drew her attention away from the door.

  “I know you’re enjoying working with the boys, but—”

  “I am,” Kitty Anne quickly agreed, flashing him another quick smile. “They’re a lot of fun.”

  “Well, so is fundraising,” Nick quickly insisted. “You know, you have to travel and go to parties and galas and all sorts of events and hit rich people up for money and work on our online presence to raise awareness and money there, and then there’s the annual Camp D for Delicious Dinner, where our boys cook and prep everything for a big blowout down around the Gulf Coast.”