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Kitty Anne in Charge [Cattleman's Club 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 17
Kitty Anne in Charge [Cattleman's Club 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Read online
Page 17
“Well?” GD prodded as they came to a stop a couple of yards from the bungalow. “You got any idea of how to break Kitty Anne out of there?”
“I was hoping something would come to me…” Nick admitted slowly, not completely finishing that thought.
“I was hoping,” Nick stressed, shooting GD a dirty look easily visible in the bright light of the night as they stood out in the open.
Kitty Anne, on the other hand, kept to the shadows as she began to shimmy down the tree. She had every intention of coming up behind them and giving both men the start of their lives. Just the idea had her biting back giggles.
“You know, you could help here,” Nick complained.
“Why?” GD snorted. “When it is easier and more entertaining to watch you come up with…nothing?”
“Okay, fine. I’ll pick the lock.”
“Something tells me that Lynn Anne is the type of mother to put bells on the doors,” GD warned him, proving that he understood Lynn Anne pretty damn well. That probably explained why she’d been so against him. Kitty Anne’s mother didn’t want to be understood. She wanted to be believed.
“Then the windows,” Nick retorted indignantly as he started forward.
“Don’t try the one in the bedroom,” GD warned him as he shuffled after the other man, seemingly completely unaware of Kitty Anne bringing up the rear.
She’d have announced herself, but it was kind of entertaining to watch the two friends plot their way through what was clearly supposed to be an abduction. Master criminals, they were not.
“I could do the one in the living room,” Nick suggested. “But I got stuff under it.”
“I could throw a pebble or something at Kitty Anne through the bedroom window.” Nick perked up with that idea, but Kitty Anne found it lacking in a serious way. Thankfully, she had GD to echo her complaints.
“You’re going to throw a rock at a woman and expect her to respond warmly?”
“Maybe it will hit her mother.” Nick snickered at that thought, but GD wasn’t as impressed.
“You really have lost your touch.”
“Well, you know, it’s been a while,” Nick snapped.
“Really?” GD paused to shoot Nick a curious look. “Define a while? Are we talking weeks, months…years?”
“More like a year,” Nick corrected, taking instant offense to GD’s snicker. “What? I’ve been busy.”
“Apparently not.”
“Don’t be a dick.”
“I guess you really owe me a thank-you for sending Kitty Anne your way, huh?”
“I’m going in through the window in the bathroom,” Nick declared, ignoring GD’s smug question.
“Dude, man, you’ll never fit through that one. It’s tiny,” GD pointed out, his smile fading into a frown as he considered the bungalow before them. “In fact this entire thing is tiny. Why didn’t you build yourself something nicer?”
“It’s all I really need.” Nick shrugged as he started around the side of the building back toward the back once again. “Hell, it’s like ten times bigger than my cell in prison, so why waste the money on extra space when the kids needed it more?”
That said a lot about the man, and Kitty Anne couldn’t help but be warmed by this words. Nick would make a great father. GD…he probably would make some big babies. Hopefully not twins.
“You know, you should have just told her to meet us out here,” GD suggested, sounding all too rational and superior. “That would have been the intelligent thing to do.”
“And when would I have gotten a chance?” Nick shot back. “Lynn Anne wouldn’t even let me sit next to Kitty Anne at dinner!”
“No,” GD contradicted him instantly. “Kitty Anne wouldn’t let you, because she’s the one who is letting her mom run wild.”
That put a frown on Kitty Anne’s face. Clearly, GD didn’t understand her mother if she thought Kitty Anne had any control over the woman. The only thing she could have done is thrown her out, called the cops, and had them arrest her or something. That was ridiculous. After all they were talking about her mother.
“You know how to pick that lock?” GD asked after a few moments of silence.
He was back to eyeing Nick with a smirk and twinkle of amusement glinting in his gaze. Kitty Anne could see how this was going to go and considered that it was time to announce herself.
“It’s not locked.” Nick shot back, along with a waggle of his brows as he reached out to shove it open.
“That’s because it’s alarmed,” Kitty Anne warned him, but it was too late.
She got what she wanted. She startled the crap out of both men. At the very sound of her voice, Nick jerked, his hands banging into the window and setting off the piercing wail of the motion sensor her mother had taped to all the windows.
All three of them froze for a second, but the light bursting on in the bathroom jarred both men out of their stupor. Before Kitty Anne knew what had hit her, she was being tossed over GD’s shoulder as he and Nick raced back across the yard. In the distance, from behind, she heard her mother hollering out the window at them.
* * * *
GD heard Kitty Anne laughing and her mother shouting out antiquated terms at them, like “heathens” and “scoundrels.” It wouldn’t have shocked him to turn around and see Lynn Anne trying to fit her way through the small window to chase them down, but thankfully, she had a little more sense than that.
That didn’t mean they weren’t all going to pay a heavy price for tonight’s escapades. So they might as well make them worth it. That was just what GD had in mind as he carted Kitty Anne into the obstacle course that Nick had prepped for a little evening entertainment.
GD had to give it to him. Nick had managed to make a muddy, rough-hewn course look like a fantasy with all the torches casting a flickering glow across the enclosed field. The wall had been an insurance necessity, but tonight it provided an intimate privacy GD and Nick had every intention of taking advantage of right along with the woman flung over his shoulder.
GD lowered Kitty Anne back to her feet before the arched, ancient-looking entrance to the obstacle course. She barely noticed the architecture, much less bothered to look around at where they’d carted her off to. Instead, Kitty Anne checked her hair with a quick hand before striking a pose with her hip out and her lip curled in a saucy look he knew she had to have practiced. It was just too perfect, as was the purr in her tone.
“Well, if it isn’t my two Prince Charmings.” Kitty Anne shook her head at both him and Nick, who was breathing a little hard beside GD. “You two are really slick. You know that?”
“And look at you,” GD growled back, raking a gaze down Kitty Anne’s svelte form. “You’re all dressed up for the occasion.”
“And here I thought you’d want me undressed for it,” Kitty Anne shot back, quick as ever. “Of course, I might be a little more undressed than you demanded.”
GD knew exactly what she was referring to, the dildo he’d left stuck in her ass. He already knew she’d taken it out, but the fact that the woman could tease him about the matter while smiling suggestively at him just went to prove that Kitty Anne really was a custom-made Venus just for him…and Nick.
“Oh good God, no.” Nick made a face as he shook his head at her. “I’d hate for you to get rope burn in the wrong place.”
Kitty Anne’s mouth opened on a retort that went silent as Nick’s words hit her. “Excuse me?”
“Take a look behind you.” GD nodded over Kitty Anne’s shoulder, causing her to turn slowly around to take in the romantically lit obstacle course.
“Oh my,” Kitty Anne whispered as she strolled slowly forward. “What in the world is this?”
“In one word? Fun,” Nick assured her as he stepped up to take her hand. “Please, allow me to escort you, madam.”
“Why certainly, sir,” Kitty Anne returned, matching his polite diction with the similar southern drawl tha
t was slightly overemphasized, no doubt for effect.
GD followed after them, listening with half an ear to Nick explain how they’d held a competition that included the boys learning enough about history and engineering to help design and build the course before them. Then they’d run it in a rite of passage that had taken them from boyhood to manhood, or that had been the story.
Kitty Anne certainly seemed to eat it up, and she was all too eager to give the course a try, or as much of one as they could in the dark. The shadows made everything harder and, just as Nick had promised, more fun.
Kitty Anne held her own as they competed against one another, surprising GD with both her strength and her flexibility, as well as turning him on with the promise of such limber stamina. He really had to get his collar on her because he just wasn’t going to survive a long wait.
And why should he wait?
All he’d vowed was not to fuck her. Technically it could be argued that “fuck her” meant sticking his penis into her vagina. That didn’t mean it couldn’t be stuck other places. Just like earlier today, that left a whole lot of options open, but GD moved too slowly. Nick cut him off, advancing ahead of both GD and Kitty Anne as they all climbed down the heavy cargo net draped over a fifteen-foot wall. Nick reached the bottom and caught Kitty Anne within the net, using the thick rope to bind her wrists as she giggled and squirmed, teasing him with breathless questions about just what he planned to do.
Nick didn’t answer her. Instead, he showed her…and GD.
Chapter Fifteen
Kitty Anne’s heart caught in her throat as Nick pinned her back into the rope webbing. He smiled down at her, and her cunt clenched, weeping because she knew that look. He was hungry, and she was his snack, his ready and eager-to-be-eaten snack.
“Did you want something?”
Daring to taunt him with that teasing question, Kitty Anne wrapped her hands around the ropes and clung to them as she arched upward against the hard wall of his chest. The pointed tips of her nipples caught on her bra as they ground into his heated strength and she couldn’t help but moan and repeat the electrifying caress.
“I think it’s you, sexy, who’s looking to get something,” Nick growled out, his tone as dark and deep as the wicked intentions gleaming in his eyes. “I’m the one who is looking to give it.”
“I won’t argue with that,” Kitty Anne assured him. “I’m willing to play the virginal sacrifice if you’re interested in being my rampaging barbarian…with a buddy.”
All but purring in anticipation over her words, Kitty Anne shifted her gaze as GD dropped down onto the platform beside Nick. She hadn’t forgotten about him. In fact, a part of her had felt deliciously naughty coming on so boldly to one man in front of another, especially when she was planning on fucking both men in the very near future.
“Prove it. Strip.” Nick stepped back, releasing her and giving her the freedom to obey or flee.
“Sacrifices don’t heed any commands,” Kitty Anne informed both of them as she slid free of the ropes and down onto the same wooden platform they stood on. “Because savages don’t make any. They simply take what belongs to them.”
There was a second of mutual understanding about what she was all but daring them to do, and then GD lunged forward, but Kitty Anne was quicker. She managed to duck under Nick’s arms and fly back up the cargo rope ladder behind her before either man could catch her. Then she was sailing through the air as she grabbed onto a set of handlebars and stepped off the platform to ride a tension line all the way back down to the ground and straight into Nick.
He was waiting for her, but she caught him off guard with some fancy moves that had him on his ass before he could even figure out how she’d managed that feat. Kitty Anne wasn’t lingering around to explain things to him. She was running, flying through the mud to reach the log roll, but before she could test her balance and dexterity, she found herself being swooped up as GD caught up with her.
He lifted Kitty Anne right off her feet without ever missing a stride. Cradling her in his arms, he leapt up on the first log, which was actually big and padded instead of wooden. It rolled just the same, and suddenly Kitty Anne found herself dangling in the air, feet above a mud pit as GD jumped from log to log effortlessly.
He was showing off, and Kitty Anne couldn’t help but think that if he were a peacock he’d have his feathers spread now. Such a display just for her benefit deserved a reward of some kind. So Kitty Anne shrieked with dismay and played the role of the frightened damsel as she turned to wrap her arms around GD’s neck and cling to him.
Not shockingly, they made it safely to the other side, where Nick was waiting for them, but apparently, GD wasn’t in the mood to share, at least not authority. Instead, he held on to Kitty Anne as he eyed Nick and issued a thinly veiled warning.
“To the victor goes the spoils, man. To the loser goes nothing.”
“Wouldn’t I technically be the loser?” Kitty Anne interjected, not wanting them to fight, especially not over her. This would never work if they did.
“No, sexy, I think you’re the spoils,” Nick corrected her before turning a calculating look back on GD. “Of course, I’m a little more than the loser. Aren’t I, big man?”
“I don’t know.” GD shrugged, but there was a sparkle growing in his eyes that reassured Kitty Anne they were simply messing with her. “What do you think you are?”
“I’m a tool.”
A bark of laughter shot out of Kitty Anne at that comment. She didn’t mean to laugh. It just happened. It wasn’t appreciated. That much was clear from the dirty look Nick shot her.
“Not that kind of tool.”
Nick’s gaze shifted back up toward GD’s, and Kitty Anne felt a trickle of unease dance down her spine as they shared a look. This was definitely planned, and she’d walked into some kind of trap. She had a pretty good idea of what kind. Even if she hadn’t, GD made her position perfectly clear as he nuzzled his lips up alongside the curve of her ear and whispered into it.
“More like the kind that’s a little more flexible and whole hell of a lot more useful than a dildo…which I’m assuming you took out?”
“You didn’t really think I was going to walk around like that all day, did you?” Kitty Anne shot back, the scoff clear in her tone, but GD didn’t look as though he was joking.
Neither did he respond as he finally released her. Allowing her legs to slide down until her feet touched the ground, GD caught her wrists as they followed suit, slipping from around his neck. With his hold, he forced her arms high above her head, making Kitty Anne’s position clear—she was captive. GD was master, and Nick…Nick was a tool.
“Rip the clothes from her body,” GD commanded.
“Then I won’t have anything—Hey!”
Kitty Anne’s complaint turned into a shriek as Nick did just as GD demanded. He closed in on her, making short work of tearing through her sexiest workout outfit, despite Kitty Anne’s attempts to get away. There was no escaping, not with GD’s firm grip leashing her in place. The fact that it took him only one hand turned her on almost as much as the erotic thrill of being stripped for their pleasure, a pleasure they intended to claim out here in the middle of the night.
Just the thought had her flushing with a wicked thrill as the sultry night’s air caressed her heated flesh. Her breasts felt swollen and heavy, her cunt soft and wet, and with every fiber of her being, she ached. She wanted this, wanted them, and there was no point in fighting it anymore.
Not that she really put much effort into the fight in the first place, but Kitty Anne did stop wiggling about. Going still, she pinned Nick with a grin as she arched her back and thrust the pointed tips of her breasts upward.
“See anything you like, Mr. Dickles?”
“Don’t taunt the man,” GD cut in. “This is my show, beautiful. I’m in charge here.”
“See?” Kitty Anne shot Nick a smirk. “I told you he couldn’t satisfy my needs…at least, not without assi
Kitty Anne started when GD’s palm cracked over her swollen folds, squealing with the sudden, shocking explosion of the stinging heat that shot out of her cunt. She twisted with the searing pleasure that ripped through her. It was deliciously wicked and wrong, and she wanted more.
“—assistance,” Kitty Anne finished when she finally caught her breath, refusing to be cowed and hoping to be punished. “You should have seen what he had to use earl—ahhh!”
That one was better because this time she had her legs open, and her hips arched, assuring that the intimate flesh of her pussy was vulnerable to the sharp crack of his palm. The intense rush of searing rapture had Kitty Anne panting hard as the buzz flooding through her lasted a little longer that time.
“—ly, early! Ahhh!”
Kitty Anne squealed as, this time, the hard curve of his palm ground down over the sensitive bud of her clit. That little bundle of nerves had swollen with a rush of heat that magnified a thousand times in that second, causing her cunt to melt and the thick cream to drip down her thighs. The air thickened with the scent of her arousal along with her cries as GD spanked her again, paddling her pussy until Kitty Anne was weeping with the pressure that built up inside her.
She needed a release. She needed to be fucked. That was what she begged for, but GD didn’t have that kind of mercy in him, and Nick…Nick was a tool. He did just as GD commanded.
Plumping up her breasts in either of his hands, GD dared to release her, but Kitty Anne didn’t interfere as he ordered Nick to take a taste. Instead, she wound her arms back around GD’s neck, keeping them up and behind her head as she offered herself up to Nick while his mouth descended over her breasts.
Feasting on the hard, puckered tips of her nipples, he licked and nibbled his way from one peak to the other. The velvety caress of his tongue teased and tormented, even as the hard ridge of his teeth scraped down over her sensitive tits in a dark warning. Kitty Anne’s breath caught as the pleasure and anticipation twisted into a need that GD answered. His callused fingers captured her tips in a rough caress, starting a war between him and Nick.