Claiming Kristen Page 15
“I told you we shouldn’t get messed up with her,” Kort growled, feeling every right to blame Jakob for that disaster.
“Yeah, you said she was crazy and then you went and called her to ask for advice on Kristen.” Jakob saluted him with his bottle. “That takes balls, brother.”
“I was desperate,” Kort mumbled, drowning his guilt with a hard shot of whiskey. “Besides, I didn’t really think Gina would consider it a come-on. Spare me the look,” Kort snapped at Jakob when he made his traditional dumbass expression. “I said I was desperate. You don’t think right when you’re desperate.”
“You don’t think right any time of the day,” Jakob shot back.
“Well, it’s kind of hard with my balls on fucking fire. Ah, hell, never mind.”
Slamming his bottle down on the table, Kort jerked out of his seat and left Jakob to stew alone. Abandoning the study and the stink he’d long grown tired of smelling, he trudged up the steps, having to pitch forward slightly to alleviate the pain of walking with a fully loaded erection. Damn thing had never been this big and hard before, and if he didn’t get some ease, Kort feared he’d end up strutting around bowlegged.
He blamed Kristen for his problem. Damn stubborn-ass woman. Climbing into his own bed, he wondered how long he’d have to wait before she gave in to the inevitable. Probably a long time given how dinner went. So much for Jakob’s idea of taking her out on a date. Or maybe it had been their mom’s suggestion. Either way, it had failed.
The problem, as Kort saw it, was that dating required too much conversation. Talking to women had never been his strong point. Jakob had always been the charmer, the one to lure the women in. Kort’s role had been to seduce them into letting the brothers play, which had always been easy once he got his hands on them. He was good with his hands.
Lifting his arms to splay his fingers out in front of his face, Kort listened to the rustle whispering under the door that divided his room from Kristen’s. She hadn’t fallen asleep yet. The woman stayed too tense, probably had habitual problems getting to sleep. She needed to learn how to relax.Kristen rolled over, rearranging the pillows before settling down again to see if this position felt any better than the last fifty. It didn’t. Nothing felt right because this wasn’t her bed. The mattress was too firm and the pillows too mushy. They kept collapsing under the weight of her head until her neck started to ache from the odd angle.
It just figured. Nothing about this night had gone right. Nothing about her day had, either. In fact, the last twenty-four hours felt like some surreal, drug-induced hallucination. If she could get to sleep, maybe when she woke up everything would be back the way it should be.
More likely she’d wake up with a kink in her neck. Sighing, Kristen sat up and tried to fluff the pillow into a solid enough ball to support her head. Tomorrow, she’d go home and get her own damn pillows. If her mates had anything to say about that, she might very well sic Derek on them.
“Kristen?” That question hit her like a bolt of lightning, making her jerk and snap around in startled fright to find just what she feared. The sight of the huge man filling out the doorway made her heart skip a beat before it outraced her lungs, leaving her breathless and nervous as Kort trudged forward.
“You’re never going to get any sleep if you don’t relax.” “Don’t talk to me like a child,” Kristen retorted, inching further back on the bed. The closer he drew the itchier she became, having to struggle to fight the urge to flee. Not that she could escape, and being cornered only worsened her mood.
“I can sleep any damn way I want. What the hell do you think you’re doing?”
Her voice dropped dangerously as he came to a halt at the foot of the bed. The lethal warning in her tone didn’t even make Kort pause before he ripped the covers away, leaving her completely exposed and wearing nothing but a T-shirt that barely covered her ass.
“You need to relax.”
“And I can just imagine how you think you’re going to help me with that.”
“I highly doubt that.”
“Try anything and get hurt.” Kristen’s gaze narrowed when Kort ignored that threat and lifted a bold knee onto her mattress. “I mean it.”
“So do I. You need to relax.”
Before she could react, he reached out and latched on to her ankle. Kristen squealed and kicked at him with her other foot, not that it did her any good. He dragged her clawing and snarling back down the mattress as if she weren’t protesting at all.
“Damnit, Kort! Stop! I said no.”
“You don’t even know what I’m offering.”
“I think I have a pretty good idea,” Kristen snapped back. Giving up on shaking loose of his hold, she snatched up a pillow and jerked to a sit so she could smash it down over his head. “Let go!”
“Make me.”
“Samantha,” Kristen hollered the name.
“Go on and yell.” Kort snorted. “That woman’s probably pinned between her mates right now and ain’t going nowhere they don’t let her.”
“God, must you be so crass?”
“Maybe you’ll get lucky and Tex will come running to the rescue.”
“This is not helping me relax!” Kristen spat, bashing him with the pillow hard enough to elicit a grunt.
“Stop that!” Kort jerked her ankle straight up in retaliation, and suddenly Kristen found herself flat on her back with her leg floating over her head. The odd position opened her right up with her shirt offering her no protection for her modesty. If Kort looked straight down he’d get a full, unobstructed view of her pussy, and Kristen didn’t doubt that’s what he’d intended.
She’d learned enough about Kort’s appetites in one night not to figure he had something horribly obscene and way too thrilling planned for her to resist, but that didn’t mean she’d given in simply because…That thought froze in her mind as something else dawned on her.
“You’re not musking.”
Kort shot her an annoyed look for pointing out that obvious fact. Instead of answering or even ogling her as Kristen expected, he turned his attention to her foot, leaving her to wonder what he was actually up to.
“What are you doing?”
“How many times do I have to say it?” Kort retorted in exasperation. “You need to relax.”
Apparently his answer to her problem was a massage. Not trusting him or his intent, Kristen tried to remain as stiff and defiant for as long as she could. Her resistance didn’t last longer than it took those magical hands to work their way down to the arch of her foot. Those fingers knew just how to rub every muscle so that it melted into a soft puddle of sweet tingles.
Sighing, Kristen gave over to the blissful thrills dancing up her leg as his rough, callused touch slid higher. The warmth of his palms soothing over her ankle had her eyes drifting closed as the heat spread out and up, covering her in a cocoon of delight. She deserved this, Kristen decided, becoming intoxicated by the pleasure, unable and unwilling to mount any defense against it.
The only whimper of complaint that slipped over her slack lips came when his fingers brushed over the sensitive flesh of her inner thigh. The soft caress ignited the tendrils of desire pooling in her pussy to a flash fire that flooded her channel with molten need to feel more than just his touch scraping along the insides of her legs.
Kristen wanted to feel the rough press of his thighs against hers, to be stretched back over his thick cock while he rode every bit of tension and reservation from her mind and body. Unable to form the words to give voice to her need, Kristen let her leg go lax in his grip, allowing her thighs to spread as she issued the most primitive of invitations to Kort.
The contrary man ignored her silent request, abandoning her leg altogether to start anew on her other foot. Disappointed, but not entirely convinced he’d truly denied her, Kristen lifted her lids enough to let her gaze through her lashes and study Kort. His whole focus centered on his hands gliding over the curve of her instep and paying no attention to the parts
of her body aching for his touch.
Her drowsy mind fumbled over that fact, trying to make sense of Kort’s actions. The man had been looking like he wanted to devour her since they’d first met. He’d certainly made no secret of what drove his interest in her. Then why wasn’t he taking advantage?
She waited, the anticipation stirring the need into a painful ache as his touch slowly crept higher. Each firm stroke of his hands released more tension from her tired muscles, the heavy sensation rolled up her leg, swelling over her cunt lips and making her cream all the more.
There was no way Kort could miss that signal, not with the need slickening a path straight toward her pussy. Kristen knew he’d gotten the message. That much was clear in the way he avoided touching any part of her desire.
Cracking her eyes open again, she glared up at him when he released her leg to flop back to the bed. Kristen intentionally let it fall wide, giving him a full-access pass, but Kort’s gaze remained fixated on hers and didn’t wander the way it should have.
“Roll over.”
“Don’t wanna.” Kristen smiled and stretched, assured she could break his control by letting her shirt slide up over her ass. When she looked again, his eyes had dropped to just where she wanted. “Come here.”
That husky command had Kort growling, his knees bending onto the bed in a move that left Kristen expecting to feel the heavy weight of his muscles as he mounted her. Instead Kort’s hard fingers dug into her hip and flipped her onto her stomach in such a rush that Kristen’s gasp got the wind knocked out of it as she found herself facedown in the mattress.
“I’m not going to mess with you tonight because we both know come morning you’ll hold it against me. So don’t even try to tempt me, woman, or I’ll beat this ass so red it burns.”
It could only be the incredible narcotic effect of his damn musk that made Kort’s threat sound like a come-on. Her ass heated under the weight of his palm, tingling with the sudden need to feel the punishing sting of his anger because Kristen remembered exactly where that led.
It was a ride so wild and wicked she couldn’t help but arch her hips in a small press back against his hand. The invitation earned her a delightful smack as Kort responded instantly with a snap of his wrist matched with his barked command.
“Stop it.”
“Mmm,” Kristen sighed, shifting against him again. “Make me.”
“Damnit, Kristen! I’m trying to do right here. Now behave.”
Kristen snorted at the indignation making his words sound desperate. He couldn’t last much longer. He couldn’t honestly want to. “Don’t blame me. It’s your fault for smelling so good.”
“I’m not musking.”
That snarled retort popped Kristen’s happy bubble. Shifting her head to the side to sniff pointedly at the air, she couldn’t deny his statement. Cold reality seeped into her, ruining the moment and giving her the strength to try and shove herself up. Kort pushed her back down, leaving her no more room than to glare at him out of the corner of her eye.
“Well, why aren’t you?” The man wanted her. He had to. They were fucking mates, and he couldn’t change his mind about that now. “Aren’t I supposed to be irresistible to you?”
“You are,” Kort snapped back. “But every time the beast puts some dirty image in my mind, I think about it being another woman and it shrinks the dick, sends the wolf whimpering back to its corner.”
It took a moment to process that, but when it hit, Kristen found more than enough strength to throw him back. “You’re thinking about other women!”
She’d jackknifed, twisting at the waist so she could throw that accusation right in his face. Instead of looking cowed or defensive, Kort bumped his into hers as he roared right back. “How the hell else am I supposed to stop from musking you?”
“I don’t know, but you better find another fucking way.” Kristen’s gaze narrowed as another thought hit her. “And it better not be Gina.”
The reddened blush that stained his cheeks had her howling. All the sexual frustration winding her muscles tight erupted in a fiery rush that fueled her anger. Before she could plant either one of her fists in his handsome face, Kort caught her by the wrists. With a jerk and a shove, she found herself facedown in the mattress again. Not about to accept his commands this time, she planted her palms in the bedding and pushed up only to lose all the strength in her arms at the first piercing crack of Kort’s palm over her ass.
“That’s for blaming me when I don’t musk you. And that’s for blaming me when I do!”
The sheet smothered Kristen’s scream as her other ass cheek lit on fire as his rough palm collided with it. All her rage morphed under the tidal wave of musk that consumed her. It liquefied her resistance into a seething ache that only burned hotter as Kort’s palm delivered another stinging slap.
“That’s for tempting me when I’m trying to do good. And that’s for when you blame this all on me in the morning!”
Kristen lost track of his reasoning after that. None of it mattered, not then with her body singing with a symphony of delight that only vibrated stronger with each crisp lash of pain that shot through her with every slap of his hand. Her ass felt on fire, but her pussy burned hotter, desperate to feel the rough touch of his fingers invading her soft flesh.
With the words lost in the bliss fogging her mind, Kristen couldn’t beg or plead for more, but her hips arched, lifting her ass and spreading her cunt open in a primitive invitation for Kort to finish it. He had to because if she didn’t get some respite, the ache consuming her might very well be the end of her.
“Damnit, woman,” Kort snarled, the pain and torture clear in his tone.
His anger came through in the coarse dip of his fingers right into the core of her cunt. There was no patience left for sweet explorations or gentle seductive caresses. Forcing her pussy lips wide and pinning them down with the tips of two fingers, he fucked the other three straight into her, hard and deep, making her gasp and buck at the sudden penetration.
Not nearly as thick or thrilling as the treat she’d hoped for, the sensitive walls of her cunt still clung to his fingers as they rasped over her flesh, igniting spirals of ecstasy that popped and danced up her spine. It might not have been enough to send her screaming into an orgasm, but the pressure was still more than Kristen thought she could stand.
Unable to resist the ceaseless pump and pull of those broad digits, Kristen’s hips began swaying as she tried to fuck herself hard enough against his fingers to find the release just out of reach. The whirling pool of molten desire keeping her spiraling within its grip warmed, taking out the hard edges of Kort’s body as it covered hers.
Her skin prickled with the sensation as her cunt clenched in weeping anticipation for the moment his touch would abandon her channel, giving room for the smooth, heated flesh of his cock to stretch her as wide as she needed to go. Then his fingers slipped from her, and her breath caught as the mattress dipped beside her cheek, compressed by the weight of Kort’s arm braced to hold himself above her.
“I just want you to remember in the morning, you started this.”
His growl breathed across her neck, cooling her sweating skin and tickling it as his words stirred her hairs to dance across her flesh. Kristen shivered under the caress and the hard warning behind it. A part of her knew that he had a right to his anger, but mostly she didn’t care. Whatever the consequences, this moment was worth it.
“Please, Kort.”
She could get no more out. Those words alone tumbled over her tongue, thick and muffled. Unable to assure him, Kristen lured him with the soft grind of her ass against the erection pressing hard and hot against her soft globe. It jerked, slickening with proof of his own desire, and Kristen couldn’t help but to tease him with another, more forceful, rub.
Kort snarled and cursed, shifting behind her in a move that planted the enormous bulb of his cock head right into her crease and then followed it all the way down until he’d lodged himself
right against the slick opening of her pussy. It was more than Kristen could bear.
Pressing herself deeper into the bed, she arched her back and began to force the tender opening over the bulbous slide of Kort’s dick. His cock jerked again, meeting her efforts with a forward surge that popped his thick head through her clenched entrance. Kristen barely had time to savor the sudden delight of being impaled on such a deliciousness before Kort snarled and thrust hard, fucking a scream out of her as he gave her everything she wanted and more all at once.
The man was pissed, and he was taking every bit of his rage out on her poor little pussy. Showing no mercy, Kort intentionally drove her insane with the pleasure, riding her with a hard, furious pace that matched the punishing tempo of the fingers that slid down to trap and torment her clit. Kristen’s sanity couldn’t last under the relentless lash of rapture being driven straight up her spine by every ferocious thrust of Kort’s hips.
The pleasure was too much and not enough. Addicted and unable to control herself anymore, Kristen planted her hands in the mattress and reared up, throwing all the strength she had left into fucking herself back on every ruthless pound of Kort’s cock and riding his flesh into the nirvana she knew awaited her.
Then it was there, breaking over her as her whole body tensed and shuddered under the devastating impact. Kristen clung to that second, trying to savor the ecstasy blooming inside of her, but she lost her tentative hold on reality at the feel of Kort’s sharp fangs biting down on the sensitive arch where her shoulder met her neck. The slight slice of pain pierced the euphoria bubbling through her, making it explode and multiply in an endless wave of pleasure that had Kristen crying out as her muscles liquefied and she collapsed onto the mattress.
Hours could have passed, though Kristen suspected only minutes had, before the world started to order itself around her. The musky scent of sex, the sweaty stick of the sheets beneath her, her jellified muscles, Kort had fulfilled his promise to help her relax. Kristen could have faded away on the blissful oblivion tugging at her spirit if it hadn’t been for the rude, hard shift of Kort’s body as he jerked free of hers.