Kitty Anne in Charge [Cattleman's Club 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 15
He was in a rush and could feel his self-control slipping away. A release, that was all he needed, just a break from this maddening lust, and then he’d be able to think straight. Freeing his aching length helped a little. Stepping up to fist his hand in the silky tresses of Kitty Anne’s hair and forcing her head down over his dick helped a hell of a lot more.
GD breathed out with a rush of satisfaction as Kitty Anne allowed her tongue to roll around the thick length of his cock, warming him with her velvety caresses before engulfing him in the sultry heat of her kiss. With slow deliberation, she tasted her way down his shaft, making sexy little noises that quickly began to drive him insane.
She was enjoying herself, enjoying him, and that was just the hottest thing in the world. Kitty Anne’s obvious delight fed his need, making his fingers tighten around her head and forcing her to go down, all the way down. She swallowed every last inch he fed her, taking him to the back of her throat and then down it as her tongue continued to spiral around him, intensifying the tight, moist constriction of her mouth as she pumped her head back up against his hand before sucking him back into the heaven he’d just discovered.
GD allowed her free rein to set the rhythm, and Kitty Anne didn’t leave him disappointed as she set about enthusiastically sucking on his dick as though he was the best tasting treat she’d ever indulged in. She sure as hell was his because he couldn’t remember a blowjob that had ever felt so damn good.
The heat building in his balls with every stroke of her tongue and pump of her lips flamed outward, warming him to his very soul and filling him with a delicious thrill that tickled up his spine. GD knew he was close to coming.
Kitty Anne’s hands appeared to help him over the edge. She caught the tender sacs of his balls up in an exciting grip that had him taking control once again. GD forced her into a frantic pace that matched the wildly escalating pound of his heart. Then he was coming, hard and deep, in a release that sang through him as Kitty Anne pulled back and allowed the liquid proof of his climax to spray out over her chest until the heaving mounds of her breasts were coated in the white glisten of his seed.
In a move that he wanted to believe she could have learned only watching porn, Kitty Anne rubbed his cum all over her breasts as she gazed up at him with a hunger that she didn’t even bother to disguise. Just in case he didn’t get the message, she plumped up her breasts and lifted them high enough for her to dip her chin and try to lick them clean.
GD bit back a smile, knowing exactly what she was trying to do and wanting her to believe it was working…because, in a way, it was. She had already won. He had fucked her, and now he was going to punish her for making him break his promise.
“On the bed, now!”
* * * *
Kitty Anne thrilled at the snarl in GD’s command and all but tripped over her feet as she rushed to the bed. He didn’t even have to tell her to lie facedown. She assumed the position she suspected he would like the best and kept her knees bent and spread wide with her ass held high and the cool air caressing the heated lips of her pussy.
They were swollen and wet. She felt the arousal all but dripping off of them and slickening her thighs as GD paced slowly forward. He disappointed her, though, when he didn’t immediately mount her like Nick had but, instead, paused by her nightstand.
A second later it dawned on her just what he was going for, but it was too late. GD had found the big, purple dildo she kept stored there for those nights when inspiration took hold. She didn’t know what he intended to do with it, but she knew from the wicked curl of his smile that it wasn’t good.
“Maybe we—Ahhh!”
Kitty Anne let out a squeal as GD smacked a palm across her ass, setting the rounded cheek to bouncing as it flushed with a heat that seared straight up her spine in a deliciously decadent whirl.
“I didn’t tell you to move or give you permission to speak, beautiful,” GD warned her. “Now you rest that cheek down against the mattress and stick that ass into the air because I’m going to give you the fucking of a lifetime.”
“With that?” Kitty Anne snorted, unimpressed by his vow. She’d fucked that dildo enough to know that it was no lifetime lover. It was just good enough, and GD was better than that.
“I’m sure you have something else you could give me,” Kitty Anne all but purred as she glanced pointedly down at GD’s thick cock. It was still hard and ready to go again.
“I would,” GD agreed as he leaned down to whisper in her ear. “But you see, I have this problem…apparently I’m not capable of satisfying your needs.”
Those words echoed ominously through her head, and she recognized them almost instantly as her own. “Uh-oh.”
“Don’t worry, beautiful,” GD consoled her, even as he reached a hand behind Kitty Anne to trace the enticing crease of her ass down to the slick folds of her cunt. His thick, blunt fingers rested there, a warm weight as he hesitated to offer her one last warning. “I don’t hold grudges…I just get even.”
He proved that point with the sudden, rough capturing of her clit. Pinning the poor, sensitive bud beneath the heavy weight of his thumb, GD began to massage the little bundle of nerves and make Kitty Anne whimper and mew as her whole world exploded with a sudden frenzy of sensation.
He became only more demanding from there. Kneeling down behind her, he used his own massive knees to force hers wider and open her completely up so he could watch as he fucked her favorite dildo deep into her cunt. Like an old, familiar friend, the hard plastic stretched her muscles enough to fill her with a delightful sense of fullness, though today it was a paltry thrill compared to the one Nick had introduced her to when he’d claimed her body as his.
That was just what Kitty Anne taunted GD with as she wiggled her ass and dared him to do his worst. Just as she’d hoped, that taunt broke through his control and had him going all the way down to the mattress as he slid beneath her. A second later he was pulling her down, capturing her cunt in an open-mouth kiss as he took command of the dildo once again.
This time he pounded the hard plastic into her with a strength and speed Kitty Anne simply didn’t possess but, God, did she wish she did because the pleasure racing up her spine was intoxicating. It had her buzzing with a thrill that made every one of her muscles tighten with a rapidly building need that had her crying out for more.
He gave it to her, his tongue dancing over her molten flesh in an erotic teasing that was ticklishly delicious and focused on her clit. Fizzy bubbles of pleasure popped all along her spine as he twirled and pumped the little bud in beat with the hard plastic pillaging her cunt.
Kitty Anne couldn’t help but laugh and thrust her pussy back down onto GD’s tongue even as her sheath began to pulse with the first quakes of her release. They built into towering waves that crashed over her and had her crying out, both in ecstasy and despair as GD whipped the dildo free of her cunt, leaving her clenching down on nothing but the air.
A second later her world ripped apart as a shaft of pure, white-hot rapture shot straight out of her ass and up her spine as GD pumped her dildo right into her rear. He didn’t ask. He didn’t tease. He simply set up a rhythm that matched the relentless thrust of his tongue as it licked up the walls of her sheath and drove her release up another notch.
It was all too much. The pressure, the pleasure, the hint of pain, it all whirled together into an intense sensation that left her sobbing as her climax blossomed into a tiered mushroom that bloomed big and bright before caving back in on itself. Kitty Anne collapsed with it, every muscle in her body vibrating as she melted into the bed and allowed the exhaustion to claim her.
* * * *
GD stared down at Kitty Anne and listened to her snore. That hadn’t gone the way he’d anticipated. Not almost from the beginning, but things had generally worked out to a draw between them, and he could live with that. At least for now because he had to get going.
After all, he had a few meetings this afternoon and hadn’t planned on ge
tting so badly sidetracked. In fact, he hadn’t planned on spending any real time with Kitty Anne. She was supposed to have confessed, which she actually did do. He was supposed to have huffed off, leaving her to stew, but as usual, GD had gotten distracted by the sheer joy of being near his Kitty Anne.
He enjoyed playing with her, which was just why he tucked her under the covers with the dildo still buried deep in her ass. GD even paused to pen a note, warning her to keep it there until he caught up with her later and took care of the matter himself, not that he expected to actually have that chance. No doubt, Kitty Anne would have a fit over that note…or, maybe not.
GD debated the matter for the better part of the rest of the day as he headed out to Alex’s barbeque. He didn’t bother to wake and ask Kitty Anne if she wanted to go, knowing instinctively that she’d cause trouble simply as way to mess with him. She could meet his friends once she’d settled down a bit.
The party might have been fun, though Heather looked a little harried, but GD had more work to do. This time out at the club. He met up with Slade Davis to go over the activities planned for the coming weeks and to discuss any issues with members or membership that had come up since they’d met two weeks before.
That was a long, tedious meeting, one he needed a drink to recover from. A stiff one. Unfortunately his ass had barely settled down onto one of the round, wooden stools that lined the bar in the men’s den before he was thunked right between the shoulder blades by a rather pissed-off raven-haired beauty. GD turned to confront Lana, barely taking note of the woman’s complete lack of clothing. That was pretty much the dress code for the women at the club.
Of course, Lana was above all those rules. As a co-owner and director of female services, she was the queen in a house full of kings. That thought had him thinking of Kitty Anne again. She could hold her own against Lana, but he’d be damned before he’d let his little Kitty Anne strut around naked in front of all these hound dogs.
“Did you tell Dylan that my brothers set that damn barn fire?”
GD sighed as he turned back to his drink, daring to irritate Lana even more by taking a fortifying sip before he confessed to the truth. “Yep.”
“GD!” Lana’s fists clenched at her sides, and if she’d been Kitty Anne, she probably would have thrown one of them, but Lana was more dignified than that.
“I had no choice.” That was as far as he was willing to go when it came to an explanation, though GD knew that was not nearly far enough to satisfy Lana.
“Why not?”
“Can’t tell you.”
“GD!” He mimicked the high-pitched demand in her tone before casting Lana a smirk. “You can yell at me all you want, but you can’t deny that your brothers had motive and opportunity.”
“And if they were guilty, Alex would gladly have arrested them,” Lana shot back.
“If you haven’t noticed, Alex is a little busy these days,” GD muttered as Lana slid into the seat beside him and hailed the bartender for a drink.
“I noticed our esteemed sheriff is hiding from Chase,” Lana shot back. “So you see, your ploy didn’t work.”
“Then why are you here yelling at me?”
“I’m not going to let my brothers go down for this,” Lana stated simply, giving him a familiar look.
She meant business, not that GD knew what she was really threatening. After all, when Seth had made a similar proclamation with the same damn glint in his eyes that was in Lana’s right then, he’d intended to go down for his brother. Something told GD that Lana wouldn’t be making that trip.
“You want to go broke defending those two…be my guest.” GD shrugged, assuming that was what she meant. “I don’t know why you’d waste your money. You’ve let them go down before.”
“For petty shit,” Lana corrected. “We’re talking arson and attempted murder, here. You know what kind of sentences those carry?”
Hefty ones, but they had a saying for that. “Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time.”
That annoying cliché earned him a dirty look as Lana ordered up a second round for him and a first round for her. He could tell this was going to be a long argument.
Chapter Fourteen
“I got a job!”
Kitty Anne also had a sore ass and permanent blush, but she kept that information to herself as her mother lorded over her threshold like a gatekeeper with her hand out for the toll. Slapping the two hundred dollars she wouldn’t be needing now to pay next week’s rent onto her mom’s palm, Kitty Anne was not shocked when her mother greeted both her bold declaration and her peace offering with nothing more than a skeptical scowl.
Lynn Anne took the cash and quickly counted it. Once she was sure Kitty Anne hadn’t shorted her, the cash disappeared into the folds of her floral skirt. Only then did she bother to respond to Kitty Anne’s happy announcement.
“Where?” Lynn Anne eyed her with a sparkle in her eye that assured Kitty Anne her mom was pleased. “The nudie bar?”
“Oh, for God’s sake, Mother!” Kitty Anne huffed and rolled her eyes, but she had to force the annoyance into her tone because she was feeling so damn good even her mother couldn’t ruin her mood.
She had not one but two amazing hot men at her attendance. More than that, Kitty Anne was going to have them both at the same time. That was after she won her little battle with GD. That thought spread a grin across her face she couldn’t seem to control.
“Don’t mother me,” Lynn Anne shot back, clearly affronted by Kitty Anne’s smile. “Do you know the social embarrassment I’ve had to put up with all this week?”
“It’s only been a couple of days.”
“It felt like a week!”
“Yes, Mom.” Kitty Anne held up her hands, not wanting to argue over the issue. “I’m sorry you’ve been suffering, but now you can go tell all your snooty friends that I’m working in a charitable capacity out at the prestigious Camp D.”
“Camp D!” Lynn Anne gasped in overly dramatized horror. “You can’t possibly mean that prison for runaways and ragamuffins.”
“I don’t think they call them ragamuffins anymore.” Actually Kitty Anne was pretty certain of it, even if she wasn’t all the way up to date on current slang.
“They’re heathens!”
“Why don’t you come out to the Camp—”
“Are you kidding me?” Lynn Anne reared back as if Kitty Anne had actually threatened her. “Is this your plan? Kill me for the inheritance?”
“What inheritance?”
“What do you mean, what inheritance?” Lynn Anne shot back as if it wasn’t obvious. “What about my trailer? My figurine collection? My spoons! Some of those are worth real money. At least, two are worth about fifty dollars.”
It took every ounce of self-control Kitty Anne possessed not to laugh in her mother’s face because she knew Lynn Anne wasn’t actually kidding. Kitty Anne managed, somehow, to swallow back every snotty, obnoxious, and disrespectful retort that came to her mind and settled on her default response.
“Yes, Mother.”
“Oh, don’t ‘yes, Mother’ me!”
“I’m sorry, Mom. I won’t agree with you in the future.”
“Well, now you’re just being bratty,” Lynn Anne huffed.
“Well, what am I supposed to say?” Kitty Anne asked. “I swear to you the boys are not dangerous, and the camp is more luxurious than any place you’ve ever been to.”
“I doubt that.” Lynn Anne drew herself up proudly as she reminded Kitty Anne of the only two trips she’d taken in her entire life. “I’ve been to both Graceland and Rock City.”
“I have my own bungalow,” Kitty Anne taunted her, knowing just what to say to have her mother marching back across the living room to get her purse.
“This I got to see to believe.”
Fifty-three minutes later, Lynn Anne was staring at the closet full of male clot
hes and casting a brow in Kitty Anne’s direction. She’d known this moment was coming. She’d sensed it from the moment they’d pulled up under the flowered arches that had welcomed them to Camp D. She’d made a mistake. She shouldn’t have brought her mother here because Lynn Anne was in love and getting rid of her was not going to be that easy.
“Is there some kind of change you wanted to tell me about, young…um, lady?” Lynn Anne turned back to offer Kitty Anne a sly look that had Kitty Anne rolling her eyes.
“No, Mom, those aren’t mine,” Kitty Anne assured her as if it actually needed to be said.
“Obviously.” Lynn Anne rolled her eyes as she closed the closet doors and moved on to the bathroom.
“They belong to the owner of the camp, Mr. Nick Dickles.” Kitty Anne continued her explanation as if her mother had asked.
“I see.”
“Technically this was his place.”
“But he’s lending it to me because there’s no place for me to stay on the camp’s campus.”
“He spent time in prison.” Kitty Anne paused, but her mother didn’t even blink as she surveyed the efficiently laid out bungalow. “So…we have that in common.”
“Yes, well, sex does seem to be quite a marketable skill for you, my dear.” Her mother tossed her a bright smile with that cheery encouragement.
“Hey, Kitty Anne, you want to join me for a—well, hello there.” Nick came to an abrupt stop, right along with an offer Kitty Anne knew would have been more entertaining than watching her mother admire her new home.
“And you must be the infamous Mr. Dickles.” Lynn Anne didn’t introduce herself or extend a hand. Instead, she circled Nick, pointedly looking him over. “Well, at least you’re normal sized.”
“Mother!” Kitty Anne gasped, truly mortified and wondering if there would ever be a day when her mom didn’t embarrass her.
“What?” Nick asked, glancing between Kitty Anne’s blush and Lynn Anne’s smirk. “What is going on?”