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Kitty Anne in Charge [Cattleman's Club 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 14
Kitty Anne in Charge [Cattleman's Club 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Read online
Page 14
“And quicker than quicksand,” Kitty Anne added on, biting back her own grin as he frowned at that comment.
“That may be an exaggeration.”
“Says the man who had me on all fours within ten minutes of meeting me.”
“Says the woman who sucked the sanity straight out of me through my dick within five minutes of meeting,” Nick shot back.
“Something tells me you weren’t that sane to begin with.”
“Takes one to know one.”
That time Kitty Anne couldn’t control the tips of her lips, and she felt them curling upward. “I’ll take that as a compliment.”
“I think you should,” Nick agreed easily before leaning forward with a growing seriousness. “Because I mean what I say. You’re crazy. Crazy, wild, undisciplined, and mine, which means we have a problem.”
“We do?” Kitty Anne arched a brow as Nick nodded.
“Yes, ma’am, we do. See, Camp D is already full-up on crazy, wild, and undisciplined boys all around. You add a woman to that mix…bad things are bound to happen.”
“That’s the most sexist thing I ever heard.”
“And the God honest truth.”
Kitty Anne could tell Nick meant what he said, but that didn’t make any sense. “Then why did you hire me?”
That stumped him, which only made the answer more obvious. Nick recovered badly, too. With a grunt and a wave of his hand, he dismissed both her question along with his own concerns.
“We’ll work it out.”
“Uh-huh.” Kitty Anne didn’t blink, but pinned him with a look that had Nick squirming within his seat in seconds.
“Look, it’s just that the camp is everything to me.” He wasn’t lying. She could sense his desperation. It sounded in his tone as he all but pleaded with her. “You know, when I was younger, I lost my parents. I bounced all around with different relatives and that’s kind of where these boys are. I don’t want them to end up where I ended up, because trust me, jail is not fun.”
That she knew. That and she’d really lucked out, because Nick was not only sexy as hell but also sweet as sugar. Kitty Anne just wanted to lick him all up. Licking her lips and eyeing him like a tasty treat, she did consider the merits before he caught her look and frowned.
“Don’t stare at me like that. I don’t have time for any more funny business.”
“Funny business?” Kitty Anne laughed at that. “You’re calling sex with me, funny?”
“No. No! I didn’t mean it like that.”
“I swear it.” Nick crossed his hearts and joined his hands in a prayer as he batted his long lashes at her. Kitty Anne could sense the laughter lurking in the twinkle of his eyes.
“And I swear not to cause problems at your camp,” Kitty Anne swore. She reached out to cover the hand resting on his knee and laced her fingers through his. “I understand how important this place is for you and I wouldn’t want to ruin that.”
“I know.” Nick gave her fingers a quick squeeze. They shared a quick smile before he nodded at the food. “Your breakfast is getting cold.”
Kitty Anne smiled as her stomach rumbled. She was hungry and didn’t even try to pretend like she wasn’t. Digging in with her normal fervor, it took Kitty Anne a moment to realize that Nick was watching her with a strange look. Actually, he was staring at her like he was fascinated, which was sort of the way GD watched her eat. Maybe it was a weird fetish that they shared. Whatever it was, it kind of creeped her out.
“What?” Breaking down, Kitty Anne paused to confront Nick, who just blinked and parroted back her question.
“Why are you staring at me like that?”
“No reason.” Nick shrugged.
“Don’t start that.”
“Start what?” Kitty Anne blinked innocently back at him.
“Oh, I see.” Nick smirked.
“Uh-huh.” Kitty Anne smiled and waited, but Nick didn’t take the bait this time.
Instead, he finally turned his attention toward his breakfast. The next several minutes passed in compatible silence. It was only when she’d plowed through more than half her plate that Kitty Anne finally slowed down and really started to focus on the delicious meal before her.
“This is really good,” she commented as she glanced over at Nick. “Where did it come from?”
“What?” Nick paused to meet her look and lift a brow at her. “Don’t you think I made it?”
“The kitchen is not dirty and neither are you,” Kitty Anne shot back. “So, where did it come from?”
“The culinary students,” Nick answered succinctly, only to quickly follow it up with a better explanation. “The camp is part orphanage, part school, and as a school, we have several trade programs along with after-school and summer programs for kids in the surrounding area.”
There was something in his tone, in the way he spoke that assured Kitty Anne that Nick could go on about his camp for hours. He was holding back. Maybe because he didn’t think she was interested, but the truth was Kitty Anne was fascinated.
“You really love this place, huh?”
“It’s my dream,” Nick stated simply. “I spent every day in jail planning this place. It’s what kept me sane and gave me a sense of purpose.”
Kitty Anne smiled at him, admiring that kind of dedication and passion. She wasn’t sure she had it in her. She never really stuck with anything. As if reading her thoughts, Nick frowned over at her.
“What about you? Don’t you have a dream?”
She did. One that lingered.
“I want a house,” Kitty Anne confessed with a whisper. “A southern cottage with a wraparound porch and a white picket fence.”
“Then you’ll have it,” Nick vowed without hesitation.
“I want lots of ornate lattice work.”
“And a red tin roof?”
Kitty Anne smiled. He could read her mind, except Nick had forgotten a detail. “With a roof-top deck and a swing set so I can feel like I’m flying into the stars when I pump my legs.”
“You are so full of shit.” Kitty Anne snorted.
“You don’t even know me.”
“I know you’re quicker than quicksand,” Kitty Anne shot back, all but daring him to say she was the same.
“And you’re hotter than the sun,” Nick returned, fighting back a smile that quivered at the edges of his lips.
“Then I guess you better watch out and make sure you don’t get burnt.”
“Sorry, sexy. The danger just makes it more fun.”
On that, they agreed. Kitty Anne couldn’t deny it. “So? Where does that leave us?”
“With you packing up your stuff and moving in here,” Nick stated as if that were the obvious answer.
“And what about your stuff?”
“What about it?”
Kitty Anne smiled, feeling like a cat about ready to take down the canary. “I think I already explained this to you last night. I’m claiming this bungalow, and under its roof, I’m in charge. You want to stay here? You got to earn your keep.”
* * * *
GD frowned as he watched the motel parking lot below. He was waiting for Kitty Anne to return home. She was due to arrive at any second. He had a surprise planned for her, which was just why GD was peeking around from behind his curtains.
His phone buzzed in his pocket, distracting him from his mission. It wasn’t Nick. He’d already called to say that Kitty Anne was on her way back home to pack up her stuff. That was when he’d corner her. There would be tears, no doubt, and begging. He’d give in, eventually. Then he’d collar her, gift-wrap her, and return to the camp so that he and Nick could have some fun.
That was the plan, even if Nick didn’t believe in it.
Alex would have, GD thought to himself as he saw the sheriff’s name flashing on the cel
l phone’s screen. Of course, the sheriff was a little crazy, so that might not have been the best endorsement.
“Hey, man.” GD grunted out that greeting as he flipped the phone open and lifted it to his ear, his gaze returning to the parking lot below. “What’s up?”
“We’re having a party.” Alex sounded excited by that fact. “A barbeque for Taylor and Ralph. You in?”
“Always.” GD did not turn down free food. Neither did he miss a chance to hang out with his friends. “Can I bring a date?”
“As long as you bring some beer with her.”
“How about some tea and potato salad?” GD suggested instead. Not much of a drinker to begin with, he wasn’t about to get soused and let Kitty Anne take advantage of him. She would. He didn’t doubt that.
“Whatever you want.” Alex didn’t sound concerned. “Just don’t mention this to Heather. It’s supposed to be a surprise for her, too.”
“I didn’t saying anything.” GD was thinking it, though, and Alex knew it.
“There is nothing wrong or unusual about surprising a girlfriend with a little get-together to celebrate her family coming back from vacation,” Alex insisted defensively.
“Girlfriend?” GD smirked at the use of that word. “Has Heather actually agreed to that?”
“Shut up.”
“That’s a no.”
“You know what? You’re uninvited!”
There was a deep moment of silence where Alex accepted he couldn’t win this argument, and GD silently gloated over having won. It ended with a sigh as Alex pointedly changed the conversation.
“So? Who you bringing?”
“Good-bye, GD.”
GD flipped his phone closed, unable to help but laugh. Alex was so easy to annoy and so much fun. Kitty Anne was going to love him, and, hopefully, she’d get along with Heather. He and Heather had been friends from the cradle, and he couldn’t imagine that she wouldn’t be a part of his life, but he knew things were changing. She had Alex and Konor now, and he had his own personal Venus.
Better yet, she’d arrived.
Retreating back into his room as he caught sight of Kitty Anne’s little convertible pulling in below, GD felt the anticipation thickening in his veins as he listened for the sound of Kitty Anne in the adjoining room.
Chapter Thirteen
Kitty Anne entered her room and started talking as loudly as she could as she headed straight for the remote. Laughing and giggling and murmuring throaty come-ons to nobody, she clicked on a porno and turned it up loud before jumping on her bed. She began to thrust her hips back and forth, swinging her whole body and the mattress until the headboard began to bang against the wall as she moaned and squealed.
Sure enough, her phone rang within seconds. It was GD, and Kitty Anne could easily guess what he wanted. That was just why she ignored his call and picked up speed, all but screaming now as she thanked God and begged for it harder. A second later, her cries sharpened into real ones as she all but fell off her bed in shock as GD walked right in.
She knew he’d picked the locks before. After all, that was how he must have gotten her coat, but still his sudden seething appearance caught her off guard, and for just a half-breath, Kitty Anne wondered if maybe she’d pushed him too hard. It clearly took GD a minute to figure out that she was alone and screwing with him.
“Is this some kind of joke?”
“And where the hell did you come from?” Kitty Anne shot back in just as outraged a tone, even if her indignation was fake and his was very real.
“I thought…” GD’s voice faded away as a scowl darkened, and Kitty Anne knew just what he was thinking and what he’d been about to say.
“What?” she demanded to know, seizing the moment to advance on him. “You thought I was with another man? That I would betray you like that?”
Now she had him cornered in his own lie because he not only thought it he also knew it, but he couldn’t admit to that without revealing more than he wanted. That just pissed him off all the more. Kitty Anne could see it in the flush staining his cheeks and decided to put him out of his misery.
With a sudden reversal in attitude that left no doubt that she was acting out a role, Kitty Anne threw herself into GD’s arms. She knew she shocked him as she burst into loud, overly dramatized wails. Almost instantly, she began begging for his forgiveness.
“Oh, GD, I’ve made a horrible mistake! I don’t know how you’ll ever be able to forgive me…but I have betrayed you.” Kitty Anne looked up at him longingly as GD caught her in his arms and glared down at her.
“I didn’t mean to do it, I swear! It was just…one of those things, but”—Kitty Anne jerked back with a sudden sniffle and dared to furl her brow into a scowl as she glared up at him and declared—“this really is all your fault!”
“What?” GD blinked, clearly reeling in confusion as he tried to keep up with her sudden shift in attitude.
“A woman has needs after all.” She took a deep breath and let it out with a dramatic sigh and relaxed her expression into one that, hopefully, gloated with enough smugness to leave him in no doubt as to the sincerity of her words.
“And your friend Nick really knows how to satisfy them all…so, I guess I really owe you a thanks, don’t I?”
GD stilled at that before groaning to himself. “Oh no.”
“Oh yeah.” Kitty Anne’s tone tightened over those words as her gaze narrowed dangerously on him. “I know all about you and your buddy Nick’s plan to make me feel guilty enough so I would…what? Wear your collar?”
“And let me do anything I want,” GD drawled out hopefully.
Kitty Anne had to bite back a smile at that look, not interested in giving in just yet. “I could. In fact, I would have if you hadn’t played this stupid trick, but now…I’m not sure I can trust you.”
“That’s rich, given I wasn’t the one you were sweating up the sheets with last night,” GD reminded her.
“So?” Kitty Anne shrugged. “I’m not actually under any obligation to be faithful to you. We had no agreement.”
“It was unwritten,” GD insisted without any real attempt to back that opinion with even a hint of indignation.
In fact, he was watching her with a glint twinkling in his eyes that reminded her of Nick. The two of them, they were as slippery as eels. She was in so much trouble, but that didn’t mean she wouldn’t go down without a fight.
“Then get a pen and a piece of paper, big man, because I’m changing the rules,” Kitty Anne shot back. “Now there is only one. It says I’m in charge. You want in my bed? Then you better earn your keep.”
“Is that right?” GD took a bold step forward, crowding into her personal space as he glared down at her in a blatant attempt to intimidate her. “And just what kind of payment system did you have in mind?”
“Nick’s building me a house.” Kitty Anne couldn’t help but giggle as she pressed in against the hard, heated wall of his chest. “And he made me come harder than any other man ever has.”
“That’s a pretty low bar to set,” GD whispered as he dipped his head, his lips brushing against hers in the softest of caresses before he lifted his head and stepped back. “But you’re not wearing my collar, and I don’t play with toys that aren’t mine.”
“So it’s like that, huh?” Kitty Anne smiled. She did like a challenge.
“Yep. Just like that.”
“You do know that I’m moving in with Nick, right?” Kitty Anne wanted to make sure she had the rules of this game right before she finalized her agreement. “We’re going to be having sex…and lots of it.”
“I imagine so.”
“And that doesn’t bother you?” If it didn’t, that might bother her more than a little, but GD soothed that worry away before it could burrow deeper into her heart.
“Nick is different,” GD stated softly. “He is part of us
…and make no mistake. There is an us.”
“Really? And are there any other people who are a part of us? Like, maybe, another woman?”
It was hard as hell to get those words out and impossible to make them sound unconcerned. GD’s smile assured her that he heard the difference.
“And would you care? I’m using one of my payment questions,” he quickly added, cutting off her answer before she could tease him with it. “You have to be honest.”
No, she really didn’t have to be, but she was anyway. “Yes, I care.”
“And if I told you I was only interested in you, would you believe me?” GD pressed.
“Yes.” She really would.
“Then you trust me?” GD pressed, and Kitty Anne knew just where he was headed.
“Yes.” She really did.
“Then prove it,” GD growled as he stepped back into her personal space. “Wear my collar.”
Kitty Anne lifted her gaze to meet his and knew that he wouldn’t be straying. That gave her the strength to let him go. Slinking backward, she slipped free of the oversized sweats she was wearing. They pooled on the floor as she faced GD.
“Make me,” she dared him, all but certain of what he’d do.
* * * *
GD raked his gaze over Kitty Anne, savoring the sight of her lush, naked curves and knew what he had to do. It was going to be harsh and brutal. In the end, he wasn’t even sure he knew that he had the strength to see his plan through, but that didn’t stop him from reaching for his belt buckle as he stepped forward.
“On your knees, beautiful. It’s time to convince me to see things your way.”
That dark growl should have had her concerned, but Kitty Anne just smiled and sank gracefully to her knees. Then she spread them, opening up the plump folds of her pussy in a silent invitation as she clasped her hands behind her back and thrust her breasts forward.
“Like this?” Kitty Anne asked as she parted her lips, letting her tongue swept out to coat them in a glossy sheen that made GD’s dick swell.
“Yeah, beautiful, just like that,” he murmured as he fumbled with his zipper.