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Kitty Anne in Charge [Cattleman's Club 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 13

  “My cabin isn’t that big,” Nick complained as he began to turn and almost caught Kitty scurrying back into the bedroom. She knew she was safe. She heard his beer bottle thunk into the garbage can as Nick continued on bitching. “Equal my ass. Have you fucked her?...Uh, huh. You know what that makes you? Boyfriend number two!”

  Kitty Anne rolled her eyes at that comment and hurried back into the bathroom to work on her face. Like any good, self-respecting woman, she carried with her enough makeup for a morning-after look. Of course, what she really needed was a nighttime look, but Kitty Anne worked with what she had. All the while she kept an ear out for Nick as he continued to argue with GD.

  “No! I don’t care if you saw her first. I did her first. I’m boyfriend number one….Whatever. Just tell me how much closet space I’m going to lose because something tells me Kitty Anne comes with a lot of clothes.”

  That she did, and she couldn’t help but smile that he already knew her well enough to have figured that much out.

  “No, I don’t mind.”

  Kitty Anne could hear the sigh in his voice through the wall. It made a lie out of his words, but she didn’t take it personally. While his little bungalow was ideal, it was ideal for only one person or one vain person. The bathroom, the closet, they were about to become hers. Then they were going to have a discussion about a lack of a tub.

  Stepping back to admire her reflection, Kitty Anne pushed aside all her concerns about housing and refocused her attention on the seduction she had planned. She looked ready for love, too. With her smoky eyes, her bedraggled hair, and her pouty lips, all she was missing was some sexy lingerie, but Nick’s shirt worked.

  Crawling back into the bed, she left it as messy as she centered herself in the middle of the mattress. Kneeling there, she fussed over the shirt until she got it to lay just so that the sides of her full breasts were showing and the shadowed valley between her legs was barely visible. Then she waited, silently practicing all the conversations she could end up having with Nick once he got off the phone with GD.

  “Listen, I don’t care what tricks you know or what kind of toys you have access to out there at your perverts’ club. I am boyfriend number one…Number one! You know it. After all, you got your little peep on, didn’t you? You see her mount me?...Yeah, that was hot.”

  Kitty Anne’s eyes narrowed at that compliment, though it wasn’t what caught her attention. Her focus, instead, was on what else Nick had revealed. So GD liked to get his “peep on.” She could guess what that meant. If he wanted to see a show, she’d be glad to give him one.

  “Think of it this way. At least you don’t have sleep at that motel tonight…You really think she’s that oblivious?...Now that’s just cruel. I’m sure she’s not a ditz.”

  A ditz? A ditz! GD was going to pay for that one. Nick, on the other hand, had just been promoted to boyfriend number one in her mind. He only solidified his position with his continued defense of her.

  “Listen, I may not have had any kind of real conversation with the woman yet, but I think you are underestimating our woman, and she’s going to make you pay.”

  That she was.

  Kitty Anne was already plotting how. One thing was for sure. She wouldn’t be wearing his collar anytime soon. She sure as shit wasn’t going to feel the least bit guilty over what came next. It started when Nick finally said good-bye to his buddy and came strutting back into the bedroom.

  As good as he looked in clothes, he looked a hell of a lot better out of them. Kitty Anne raked a gaze down his long, muscular frame, feeling her stomach quiver with the thrill of lusty excitement. Hell, even his feet looked sexy. Now she just needed to get him out of his jeans.

  She had a plan for that.

  Nick came to a stop, and she could almost see the questions run through his head as his gaze narrowed on her with heated intent. Kitty Anne knew he was wondering if she’d overheard his conversation, and at the same time, she suspected he didn’t care.

  What he cared about, what his eyes lingered on, was the part in her open shirt. Kitty Anne smiled, pleased that her plans were working as anticipated.

  “Hello, Mr. Dickles.” Kitty Anne gave him that husky greeting as she settled her palms down on her knees, brushing the tails of her unbuttoned shirt to the side and drawing his gaze downward.

  “Miss Allison.” Nick tracked the slide of her palms as they started slowly up her thighs.

  “I think it’s time we had a conversation, don’t you?”

  “Depends on what you want to talk about.” Nick’s tongue snaked out to wet his bottom lip before his teeth bit down into it, his entire focus trained on the fingers that had finally reached the swollen lips of her pussy.

  Kitty Anne didn’t hesitate to brush them open and treat herself to a teasing stroke across her clit. Neither did she bother to disguise the pleasure her own touch gave her as she arched and moaned, unable to resist repeating the caress once…twice…three more times before she remembered she was on a different mission right then.

  Releasing her molten flesh, Kitty Anne drew Nick’s gaze back toward hers as she lifted her fingers up to her lips to suck them dry and make him pant.

  “I need to confess something.”

  “Yeah?” Nick swallowed hard, barely appearing to have heard her. “What’s that?”

  “I’m in love with another man.”

  That did have Nick glancing up at her, a look of uncertainty crossing his features before they settled into a gruff scowl. “Really? Because you have an odd way of showing it.”

  “That’s not my fault.” Kitty Anne batted her lashes just as she’d always practiced in the mirror and crawled forward with a pout. “He’s…not capable of satisfying my needs.”

  That put the sparkle back in Nick’s eyes and brought the smirk back to his lips. “Is that a fact?”


  Kitty Anne shrugged, not about to go too far out on that limb. After all, at the end of this, she was going to end up at GD’s mercy, which made it wise not to push the big man too far. Instead, Kitty Anne turned the subject back toward where she wanted it to go.

  “But you can.” Kitty Anne smiled up at Nick. “In fact, you’re in no position to deny me.”

  “Is that right?” If Nick’s grin grew any wider, he’d be laughing outright at her.

  “You’d be amazed at what I would dare.” That wasn’t a lie. “So, this bungalow…it’s mine now, and if you want to share it with me, you had better be a good boy and keep me very happy.”

  Kitty Anne whispered that demand against Nick’s lips as she dared to press her naked length against his in a wanton caress. “And there is something I really, really want.”

  “And what is that?” Nick growled back, his hands branding her waist as he dragged her even closer, flattening her breasts against his chest and making the hard points grind against him.

  “You, on your knees.” Kitty Anne pulled back to smile up at him as her fingers twined through his hair, directing him to obey her command. “It’s time for you to earn your keep if you’re going to be spending the night because now…I’m the Kitty in charge.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Monday, June 2nd

  Nick woke up to the heavenly feel of Kitty Anne’s tight little cunt pulsing up and down the hard, aching length of his dick. He’d been dreaming about her, about fucking her, and now he knew why.

  Cracking open his eyes, he caught sight of Kitty Anne flexing and smiling above him. She was taking her time and savoring every stroke. It didn’t matter to her that she was driving him insane. That was just what he must have been—crazy—to allow her to tie him to his own bed, but he had. He was still bound, unable to do much more than eye the puckered tips of the large tits bouncing up and down as she fucked him with an even and measured rhythm.

  Kitty Anne could go for a good hour like this. Nick knew that from experience and had no problem with her doing all the work. Hell, it was actually one of the sexiest things about the w
oman. All he had to do was lie back and enjoy.

  That was just what Nick did as Kitty Anne rode him until they were both straining and sweating with the need for a release. A release that Kitty Anne denied him as she slowed to a stop. Nick grunted his annoyance and forced his gaze up from the hypnotic bounce of her breasts to catch her smiling down at him.

  “Do you want me to untie you?”

  He didn’t really care, but he could tell that she had hoped to drive him crazy enough to revert back to the rutting madman he’d acted like last night. That was clear from the way she taunted him as she stretched across him to reach for the tie she’d used to bind his wrist to the bedpost last night. Her tits dangled mere inches from his lips and that was no accident.

  It was a challenge.

  The second he had his freedom he proved that to Kitty Anne, rolling her over and pinning her wrists to the bed with one hand. His hips began to pick up speed, pounding into her hard and fast as she cried out and arched upward, meeting him thrust for thrust.

  He rode her right to the peak of the pinnacle, and Nick felt Kitty Anne tightening all around him with her impending release. It would have been so easy to ride that wave with her, but he had a point to prove. So, he gathered his strength and forced himself to come to a complete stop, sending Kitty Anne into a writhing, frenzy. A fit that lasted a good minute before she calmed down enough to glare up at him with naked irritation.

  “You having fun now, sexy?” he teased her, knowing she was. “I’d point out to you I’m on top, and that makes me in charge.”

  He emphasized that point with a hard thrust of his hips as he once again took up a rapid pace that had her squealing and flushing with an impending release that he denied her. That time her tantrum lasted longer, and Nick didn’t even wait for her to finish before he reared up onto his knees and jerked Kitty Anne onto his lap.

  Staring down at the delicate, pink lips of her pussy parted around the hard, dark length of his cock, Nick felt a strangely primitive and slightly feral sense of satisfaction flood him. It took almost all of his self-control not to start fucking her again while he watched. They’d get to that, but first, he still had a point to make.

  “You with me, sexy?” Nick asked, waiting patiently until Kitty Anne caught her breath enough to growl at him. He took that as a yes. “Good. Now let’s be clear about something. This is my camp. I’m the boss. You’re…”

  Nick hesitated, looking for the safest word as Kitty Anne’s gaze narrowed on him.

  “Well,” she demanded, “what am I?”


  That brought a smile to his Kitty Anne’s lips. “Only if that makes you mine.”

  “I think we have a deal.”

  Reaching down to brush back the swollen folds of her pussy to reveal the puckered bud of her clit, Nick smiled and dared to trap the sensitive little bundle of nerves beneath the callused tip of his finger. He gave it a twirl, eliciting another squeal from Kitty Anne as her eyes widened and her whole body lifted with the motion.

  Nick didn’t stop with just one roll. He kept it up, tormenting Kitty Anne until she’d lost the ability to plead or cuss, much less speak. Her breath heaved in with ragged pants that drew his gaze to the full, lush globes of her breasts. He couldn’t resist taking a taste of the pebbled tips crowning her heavy curves.

  Kitty Anne’s response was instantaneous. She began to buck and fight him for control. Nick let her have it, allowing her to rear up and topple him over as she fell with him. Then all he had to do was lie back and enjoy the show as Kitty Anne rode him with a sexy abandon that had her cunt pistoning up and down his length. The walls of her velvety sheath pulsed with a rhythm that sucked the release right out of his balls.

  Nick felt them swell and the searing heat shooting down his shaft and gave himself over to the rapture rushing through him. It sent him catapulting into a universe of bright colors and intense satisfaction. Hell, there was even a hint of contentment to his release, which just went to prove he was done for.

  He probably could have and should have bemoaned his fate, but it was hard to feel bad about what destiny had gifted him with when Kitty Anne was passed out sweaty and naked on top of him. The woman might be dainty looking, but she could snore like a man three times her size.

  Nick smirked, knowing Kitty Anne would be upset to learn about that unladylike behavior. That was just why he wouldn’t tell her. GD probably would. Sighing over that thought, Nick couldn’t help but replay his conversation with his friend last night.

  The man was crazy, and Nick wasn’t convinced that Kitty Anne would end up playing the role GD had assigned her. After all, she didn’t appear even the slightest bit racked with guilt. Instead, she’d been bossy and demanding, claiming his bungalow for herself and ordering him to satisfy her in every dirty way she could think of…which actually wasn’t all that dirty.

  He’d never tell her that, though.

  Nick preferred to show her, but even that would have to wait because he was running late. Managing to slip out from under Kitty Anne, he ordered up a breakfast and some small clothes from the junior laundry center. By the time he’d finished showering, they’d arrived, brought over by one of the older boys.

  Nick thanked him and then went to wake his Kitty Anne.

  * * * *

  Kitty Anne didn’t want to wake up. She was tired and deliciously sore, but Nick arrived, carrying a bribe. He plunked down a tray that smelled like her two favorite things in the morning—bacon and coffee—just inches from her nose.

  “Time to rise and shine, sexy,” Nick called out, reaching out to force Kitty Anne to roll over and assure that she did, indeed, wake up. “We got breakfast to eat, and then I got a camp to run, so we need to go ahead and have that talk we’ve been putting off.”

  Kitty Anne frowned up at Nick’s cheery smile and sighed. “Fine.”

  Wrapping the sheet around her, she reluctantly sat up as Nick whisked the tray of delicious smelling foods off the bed and informed her that he’d be waiting with whatever would be left of breakfast if she didn’t hurry up and join him in the other room. Kitty Anne rushed through her morning rituals, not even bothering with most of them.

  She did take a moment to use the facilities and wash up before strutting into the living with an intentionally regal air to counter the sheet she had wrapped around her like a towel.

  “I’m not having any conversation until I have at least five sips of coffee,” Kitty Anne declared before Nick could even completely finish rising out of his seat to greet her.

  Whatever he had been about to say remained unsaid as he pointedly closed his mouth and reached for the coffee pot. Kitty Anne settled down in the chair stationed to the side of the couch and accepted the cup Nick passed her. Five sips later, she felt more centered and finally met his gaze.


  “So,” Nick echoed, appearing to be at a complete loss for words, too. “You’re really good in bed.”

  “Thank you.” That was one of the nicest, and most direct, compliments she’d ever received, and she couldn’t help but beam a smile at him. “I was quite pleased with your performance as well.”

  “I aim to satisfy.”

  “And you did.”


  That strange awkward silence descended over them as Kitty sipped away at her coffee and waited for Nick to find something to say. After all, he was the one who looked as if he had something to say. Whatever it was, it was taking forever to get it out.

  “So…about this man you’re in love with—”

  “Oh, I wouldn’t worry about him.” Kitty cut him off with a wave of her hand.

  “Really?” Nick scowled as he heaved a deep sigh. “You know that’s not reassuring, right?”

  “It’s not?” Kitty Anne blinked innocently. “Well, what would reassure you?”

  That threw Nick off, and she saw him hesitate. The correct answer would be to get rid of the other man, but that wasn’t really what he wanted. No
t him. Not GD. Certainty, not her. She was looking forward to having both GD and Nick at her beck and call, serving all her needs.

  “I was warned about you, you know.” Kitty Anne spoke up as Nick continued to silently flounder.

  “Really?” That appeared to pique Nick’s interest. “By who?”

  “Rachel Allen.”

  “Rachel? I’ve never been anything but nice to Rachel,” Nick huffed as if he were offended even though he didn’t sound it.

  “And Heather Lawson,” Kitty Anne continued on as if Nick hadn’t objected. “She said you were hotter than the sun.”

  “Well, that just proves she has good taste.” Nick flashed her a grin that faded right back into a frown with Kitty Anne’s next revelation.

  “Rachel said you were quicker than quicksand.”

  “Reporters, they’re paid to embellish.”

  “I don’t think there is much about your reputation that needs embellishment,” Kitty Anne assured him dryly. He had proven to be the stud everybody knew him to be, but Nick might take her comment in a different way.

  He reared back and she didn’t think there was anything fake about the indignation that had stiffening up. “And what is that supposed to mean?”

  Kitty Anne stared at him in amazement, shocked that he had the audacity to act offended. Maybe he had forgotten, but neither one of them had that right anymore. Just in case he had forgotten, Kitty Anne reminded him of that fact.

  “It means I’m not the only one in this room who has been arrested for prostitution.”

  “I was not a prostitute,” Nick defended himself instantly, but did pause before reluctantly admitting, “I was in charge of the prostitutes, and really they were classy. So it’s not like I was arrested in some cheap motel.”

  “And it’s not like I was really going to have sex with anybody,” Kitty Anne snapped back. She was ready to go full bitch mode now, but Nick undid her with a simple response.

  “Except for me.”

  That put the smug in Nick’s smile as he settled back against the couch with an arrogant tilt of his chin. “Can’t deny that.”