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Tara's Revenge [Cattleman's Club 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

  Cattleman's Club 9

  Tara's Revenge

  Newly divorced, Tara Winters is starting over in Pittsview. She’s intent on claiming her independence when Bryant Black and Travis Grover strut straight into her life and introduce her to a whole new world of submission.

  Tara isn’t looking for love but she’s not against having an adventure. That’s just what Bryant and Travis offer her, luring her deeper into a passion that threatens to consume them all.

  That isn’t the only threat they’re facing. As Tara’s uncle and ex-husband conspire to try and break them apart, Tara, Bryant, and Travis will be confronted with just how willing they are to fight for their love.

  When things boil over, everybody better watch out for Tara’s Revenge.

  Genre: Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Western/Cowboys

  Length: 59,109 words


  Cattleman’s Club 9

  Jenny Penn


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting


  Copyright © 2015 by Jenny Penn

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-63259-711-3

  First E-book Publication: September 2015

  Cover design by Les Byerley

  All art and logo copyright © 2015 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19


  About the Author


  Cattleman’s Club 9


  Copyright © 2015


  Sunday, July 20th

  Tara entered the Bread Box, feeling as if she was floating on air. All of her problems had just been dismissed. Now it was time for her revenge. Her family was about to learn that she didn’t get mad. She got even.

  It was a tragedy, but Tara had finally accepted that was the only way they were all going to learn to leave her the hell alone, a lesson they needed to be taught. So she would teach it, but first, she was going to celebrate her legal victory with a piece of pie and a glass of sweet tea.

  Tara didn’t even care if everybody was staring at her as she cut her way across the bakery. She’d grown used to the looks. They’d begun weeks ago when the rumors that her uncle was trying to declare her mentally incompetent had started to swirl. The fact that she’d taken up with two men, deputies nonetheless, had tongues wagging and gazes firmly locked on her.

  That included Heather, owner of the Bread Box. She waited expectantly at the counter, looking eager to hear the news. Tara couldn’t even get a chance to settle down as Heather began pressing her for the outcome of her recent court date.

  “Well? How did it go?”

  Tara didn’t answer. She just grinned. That was all she had to do before Heather was clapping her hands.

  “I’m so happy for you. Piece of pie on the house.”

  “And tea,” Tara called after her as she felt somebody slide into the stool next to her. Tara waited for Heather to nod before casting a glance at the woman, who was staring pointedly at her.

  “I’m Wanda,” the Amazon introduced herself, extending a hand that was large enough to swallow Tara’s whole.

  “I’m Tara. Pleased to meet you.”

  “You won’t be,” Heather warned her, clanking down a plate heaped high with blueberry pie and capped off with a large whip of cream. “Because Wanda here finds trouble faster than even Patton.”

  And Patton Jones was known to dig herself into disasters faster than beavers built their damns. Wanda wasn’t insulted, though, by Heather’s grim summation of her luck. Just the opposite. The big, broad brunette grinned.

  “Yeah, but I don’t take people down with me.”

  Heather snorted at that but didn’t argue the point. Instead, she narrowed her eyes on Wanda and fisted her hands on her hips. “What are you up to? And don’t bother to say nothing. I saw you talking with Kristen, and now you’re introducing yourself to Tara. You are conducting an investigation.”

  “I might be.” Wanda smile grew as she cast her gaze back at Tara. “Or I might be out for revenge.”

  “Revenge for what?” Heather demanded to know.

  “For the dead.” Wanda’s dark eyes seemed to bore into Tara’s, and Tara felt the weight of the other woman’s conviction. “For justice. You want that, don’t you, Tara?”

  “Tara…” Heather’s tone held a firm warning, but Tara di
dn’t pay the other woman any mind as she picked up her plate.

  “Come on. Let’s get a booth, and you can explain just what you meant.”

  Tara, though, expected she already knew.

  Chapter 1

  Friday, June 20th

  Bryant whistled his way across the street, feeling that extra bit of bounce in his step as he headed for the government offices clustered around the very edge of town. It was a beautiful day. A perfect day for a shootout. That was just what they were all planning, but first they needed a hostage, and he knew just where to get one.

  Nodding to the people loitering outside the old brick building, he took the four steps leading up to the glass doors in two quick leaps. and then he once again felt the cool air of a well-conditioned building. The ladies who filled out most of the offices and cubicles inside certainly didn’t like to sweat.

  Bryant, on the other hand, enjoyed getting a little sweaty, especially when he was having fun. That was just what he planned on having as he turned into the personnel office and came to a stop before Glenda, the receptionist.

  “Deputy Black.” Glenda greeted him with a knowing smile and a lift of her shoulders that had her big breasts rising up nicely. “What brings you by this morning?”

  “I’m looking for a hostage,” Bryant returned as his gaze strayed toward the lush cleavage Glenda was pointedly showing off as she leaned forward.

  “Is that right?”

  “Uh-huh.” Bryant lifted a brow and laid out an offer that Glenda had never said no to before. “Wanna get locked in a closet with me, hot stuff?”

  “I wish I could, stud.” Glenda paused and sighed before lifting her finger to show off a sparkly ring. “But Bruce has decided to make an honest woman out of me.”

  “Yeah? Well, doesn’t mean you had to say yes.”

  Bryant eyed the ring, feeling a shift in his stomach that was close to nausea. He didn’t do rings, and he didn’t do women who wanted them, but Glenda was both a friend and a former fuck. So he forced a smile and silently thanked God he’d avoided that trap.

  Glenda laughed and shook her head at him. “Boy, you are turning green before my eyes. It’s just a ring.”

  “It’s just a lifetime,” Bryant countered. He didn’t know how anybody could promise that. Hell, he couldn’t see how anybody could promise beyond the next week because who knew who the hell they’d meet?

  “But it isn’t your lifetime,” Glenda pointed out with a laugh. “So you can stop backing away from me. I’m not contagious.”

  “I don’t know about that,” Bryant muttered, though he forced his feet to stay still. “Seems like an epidemic lately, given the number of men who are trying to hang up their buckles.”

  That was a reference to the Cattleman’s Club and the growing number of members who were choosing to settle down instead of staying and partying. Bryant liked the party. What man wouldn’t? Gorgeous, naked women abounded at the club, and they were all available. Better than that, they were all a little wild, liking their men to take all control.

  Bryant liked control. Control meant the women didn’t get out of line. Neither did any tendency to pretend like it all meant something more. The club was about sex. Good, hot, sweaty, kinky sex and nothing more… Or, at least, it had been. With so many members choosing the women who now ruled their dicks over having fun with the women they could rule, there was a membership issue growing.

  Worse, there were rumors of changing the rules to allow girlfriends and wives in. It was going to become an old-man-getting screwed club. Bryant didn’t want anything to do with that.

  “You know what?” Glenda shoved back from her desk with a twinkle dancing in her eyes. “I’ve got the perfect girl for you today.”

  Bryant stiffened at that, a little worried over the curve of Glenda’s smile. “I don’t know about that.”

  “Trust me.” Glenda tossed a wink at him before shouting down the small aisle cutting through the cubicles behind her. “Tara!”

  “You know, maybe I ought to swing by the revenue office and see if⎯ Well, hello there.” Bryant forgot just what he’d been about to say as one of the most beautiful women he’d ever laid eyes on entered his view.

  She was tall and full of curves that bounced and wiggled as she strutted forward with a confidence that had Bryant’s dick hardening in a rush. Nothing was sexier than a woman who knew she could please a man, and this one looked like she knew more than that. Even if she didn’t, he’d love to teach her, love to see those long brown locks spread across his bed and those pale thighs wide open and showing off the plump, wondrous folds of her pussy.

  Definitely, he’d found his hostage.

  “Tara, come on up here and meet Deputy Bryant Black. Deputy Black, this is our new clerk, Tara Winters.”

  Glenda introduced them, the laughter all but ringing in her tone. She knew. Knew all the dirty, wicked thoughts swirling through his mind. Knew that he was hooked as Tara extended a hand toward him that looked as soft as the rest of her.

  “Nice to meet you.” Bryant shook her hand, surprised at the strength of her grip. Surprised and turned-on. His dick throbbed at the very idea of having those fingers wrapped around his length.

  “The pleasure is all mine,” Tara returned in a smoky voice that was like a stroke to Bryant’s heated senses.

  “Oh, it most certainly will be.”

  “Excuse me?” Tara lifted a brow at that as she pulled her hand back, but the look in her eyes assured him she knew just what he meant.

  “You’ll have to forgive Deputy Black.” Glenda stepped in, forcing Bryant to back off slightly. “He speaks without thinking.”

  “Hey,” Bryant complained, shooting Glenda a hurt look. “I’m thinking all sorts of thoughts, like it would only be polite to welcome Tara in the good, old-fashioned tradition of making her a hostage.”

  “That’s a tradition?” Tara laughed and shook her head at him, setting her long, beautiful curls swaying and falling forward to frame the strong lines of her cheeks and chin. “My uncle didn’t mention anything about that.”

  “Your uncle?” Brandon latched onto that bit of information. “And that would be…”

  “The mayor,” Glenda ended for him, chuckling with a hint of wicked amusement. “So you better remember to treat our hostage right, or you are going to be in all sorts of trouble.”

  “I like trouble.” Bryant suspected Tara did also, if the way she was watching him was any indication.

  “I’d like to get back to this hostage thing,” Tara cut in. “Are you planning on playing the role of my knight in shining armor, Deputy Black?”

  There was definitely a come-on buried in that innocent question, and Bryant was all too happy to return the favor. “I’ll be anything you want me to be, honey, as long as you don’t say no.”

  Tara laughed again and shook her head at him while Glenda rolled her eyes. “The deputies like to play commando games, and they always seem to need a woman to do some screaming for them. Like we haven’t got anything better to do.”

  “Well, do you?” Bryant asked, knowing the answer already. Most of the women were more than eager to get locked in a closet with one of Pittsview’s finest.

  “Me? Yes.” Glenda nodded before waving at the other woman. “Tara? No. So, go on and take your hostage. Just remember to return her in one piece.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Bryant smiled before stepping back to gesture toward the door. “You mind coming with me, Miss Tara?”

  She smiled, and he knew the answer was yes. Yes to just about everything he was thinking. Hell, Bryant suspected Tara was thinking a few things herself.

  “Just let me grab my purse.”

  “Honey, you can grab anything you want,” Bryant promised her, earning him a smack on the arm from Glenda as Tara turned to strut off, her fabulously lush ass swaying with every step.

  “Tone it down, Bryant,” Glenda warned him, but the twinkle in her eyes gave her away. “At least until you get her into the close

  “That is certainly where I show off some of my best moves.” Bryant waggled his eyebrows at Glenda, earning him a laugh and a shake of her blonde curls.

  “No, honey, it isn’t.”

  * * * *

  Tara wasn’t exactly sure what she’d gotten herself into as she went to retrieve her purse, but she didn’t let that worry her. She was living life as she’d always wanted to⎯large. That was just what the deputy was. He was big and thick with muscles and making no secret of the fact that he was checking her out.

  That was just fine with Tara. It had been a year since she’d gotten laid and one month since she’d gotten divorced. She was due for a good time. Deputy Black certainly looked like he knew how to have one of those. He wasn’t even being subtle about it.

  Shaking his head as he watched her walk back to him, he made a guttural sound of approval. “Uh, uh, uh. You certainly know how to strut, don’t you, Miss Tara?”

  She didn’t but didn’t let that stop her from smiling with a knowing confidence. “If you say so, Deputy Black.”

  “Oh, I do.” He stepped back to gesture toward the door to the personnel office, his voice dropping to a husky murmur as she passed by. “And I do like a woman who knows how to take an order.”

  “I’m not that obedient,” Tara assured him, knowing just what he meant.

  She’d been warned by almost every woman in the personnel department about the Cattlemen and their proclivity to share and take command. If Tara was a betting woman, she’d guess that Bryant was definitely a member. He had that kind of swagger and the sort of looks that probably had every woman he ever met willing to do anything he asked.